48 • Dez Truth

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I'm so confused about this shit! I don't understand how I like Kris and Ash at the same time! I don't want it to be like this! This is weird for me, to be going through this shit! I have to leave her house, I can't be here no more, I'll find a place to stay!

The last person I wanted to hear from was Jason!

"Hello" I answered my phone

"You alright baby cuz" he said

"Yeah, I'm just packing my bags up, I have to find a place to stay" I said getting my clothes out the drawer

"Why what they did to you! Imma fuck them up!" I cut him off

"Jason, they haven't did anything, to me" I said

"Then what..."I cut him off again

"I like both of em, I can't have em, it's so weird being here, hearing them sex" even though they haven't in a minute " like it's just I can't be like well Kris I like you and Ash, or hey Ash I want you and Kris!" I mocked a man voice

"Why not?" Jason asked sounding serious

"Jason do you hear how that fucking sounds, listen to yourself Jason, I can't tell them that, I never will tell them that! You always joke but I have real feelings for both of them" I packed my bags

"I mean, shit you never know with Kris and Ash, they might like that shit! Shit all I know is cuz, you'd probably be having some bomb ass sex life if you told em though" he made me laugh

"I swear just like a nigga" I sat down on the bed

"Think about what I said, though I'm not saying they gone be in a relationship with you, but y'all might have some fun!" Jason sound like he cares

"Yeah, okay cuz" I wasn't going to tell them anything, period

"Bye, you know you can stay here!" He said before hanging up, causing me to laugh

"Waddup, Dez" ash pops right around the corner, good thing she ain't hear shit

"He..."she cut me off

"Bro where you going" she pointed to the bags

"I think it's time to find a new place, ya know" I weirdly smiled

"Ugh, man I enjoyed having a roommate, and I was gone say since sky go e and dime doing some shit with Jason and Lola in Chicago, me u and Kris could went out or order some food and watched movies man" she walked out

"Yeah, that could been cool, I just don't wanna crowd your space or y'all space whatever it is!" I followed her, looking at the clock read 7 pm

"It's cool bro" she smiled and sat on the couch

"Oh okay, then" I went in the room and finish getting ready to go

The Convo was over as fast as it started! Shit I'm glad she didn't hear what I said. I didn't want no one to know but Jason, and he didn't even have to fucking know this shit.

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