40 • Him

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Man, I don't even know why I told Jason about Kris and Ash. All he been trying to do is tell them, that I like them. I don't know how but I like both of them.

Now, I have to stay with them because Jason fucks way to much for me to hear that shit everyday. I'm not calling like them, so I can't afford a hotel room everyday.


I woke up at like 9 am, and I smelled someone cooking. So shit I was hungry as fuck.

"Well good morning beautiful" Kris said standing in her sports bra and shorts

"Good morning Kris" I laughed at her

I be trying not to seem all interested but man, they are fine.

"You want some!" She turned around with the pan in her hand of eggs

"Yeah, I'm starving for sure" I rubbed my stomach

"I bet you are" Kris grinned, there was a knock at the door, I got up to get it

"Hello?" I said seeing a big ass man

"Who are you and where is ash?" He asked me

"She....."Kris cut me off flying to the door

"Man what your big stupid ass want Jonah?" Kris was in his face

"Man, I'm not doing this shit with you to day Kris" Jonah pointed in her face

"I'll go get ash!!" I walked off to ash room

"Hey I though you was sleeping" I said as she came out the room

"Yes, I heard Kris ass yelling" she rubbed her eyes

"Yeah, some guy Jonah here!" We walked to the front door

"Y'all please shut up my fucking head hurts"  I said to Jonah and Kris

"He a...."Jonah cut Kris off

"Phone call from your parents" I snatched the phone

"Hello" I said

"Why don't you listen to us Ashlandra? I told you to stay away from him period, I told you what kind of man he is!" My mother screamed at me"

"I haven't did anything, what are the fuck your yelling at me" I screamed back

"You didn't ..." I cut her off

"Remember y'all left me right, or did you forget that fast?" I said to her

"Let me tell your little ass something, I am your mother, don't you ever think you can ever speak to me like that" I tired to speak

"Shut up Ashlandra" she screamed

"Now I've told you that his name is Semaje DeClaro and you see him in the store, and speaking to him m like y'all are old buddies!" I was thinking

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