8 • Granted

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After hearing all of that, I was like damn, these James got some weight in this game, I'm definitely keeping them on file, shit if I get the fuck outta here. I'm sitting here in pain, with so many fucking questions, that need answers I don't know what is going on at all

"People do you have a problem with a change of judge?" The clerk asked

"No, I do not" she said and they then removed Judge Nelson and swore in Judge Yolande Banks

"Please proceed, defense" Judge Banks said as he looked over the evidence giving to him by both parties

"Also, we would like to have addressed that The arresting officers are thus related to Nina, Courtney and judge Nelson calling all of the information invalid and is given reason and motive" Mr J spoke

"And what is this motive" the DA asked

"I will not ask you be be quite, I will hold you in contempt" judge Banks said to the DA

"The motive is that Kris did not have an affair with Nina, thus, she was obsessed with Kris and stalked her to Miami and even even broke into her house and sexual assaulted my client which there is proof hints the video we have to be played for only the judge and the toxic screen from Kris er visit after her rape" Mrs J was in it

I sat there feeling nasty as the judge and the lawyers watched the me get raped by nina. And I looked over at her and she just glared at me the entire time, I felt my skin itching and burning. After they watched it, the judge looked at me and he looked sad for me.

"What happened to your face Mrs Cortez" judge Banks asked me

"Umm, your Honor sir I was jumped two days ago in jail by five women, with Officer Brown watching" I pointed to Brown she was pissed, yup bitch I snitched told you you not gone have no job

"Your Honor I object there is no proof of this!" The DA said

"Your Honor there is actually, Brown, was taking Kris from seeing her lawyer, which Kris told Me Johnson that she touched her, and afterwards she was this going back to her cell where a group of girls jumped  while Mrs Brown stood watch there is the video, and My client did try to defend herself, and that was only taken two days ago" Mr J replied, as they showed the video

"Then my client was only taken to the clinic only this morning, where she learned she has five broken ribs shortness of breath sprang wrist busted lip minor black eye, bruises on her chest stomach and thighs" Mrs J added

"Fucking lying dyke ass bitch" officer brown yelled out

"I wanted her held in contempt immediately" judge Banks pointed to her

"I object all of this!" The DA asked

"Denied, I based on all of the evidence that was giving my the public and the defense. Which I have to say I am greatly disappointed in the Florida DA for not checking where your evidence came from" judge said

"Your hono..." Judge Banks interrupted her

"Hereby I am most definitely dismissing this case on the state of Florida vs Kristina Cortez for first degree murder based on all evidence provided by the defense" the judge picked up his hammer

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