60 • Honeymoon

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She's my wife!
Our plan finally landed in the Maldives. Our villa was beautiful and peaceful, I couldn't wait to tare her fucking clothes off!

"Baby, come look at this view!" Ash said as I walked up behind her kissing her neck

"I love my wife smell!" I kissed her neck

"I love my wife voice"

"I love my wife attitude"

"I love my wife is a stud" I kept kissing her neck

"I love my wife!" I turned her sound

"And your wife loves you" ash said pushing me on to the bed

"Ash" she shh me

Before I could do anything ash had my shorts off and thrown on the floor. She pinned my hands above my head and kissed and bit my neck, she knew all my spots I swear! "Shit girl"I moaned out
She lets my hands go and, she lifted my shirt off , taking my sports bra. I was now butt naked.

Ash hands gripped my hair and gently pulled me closer, groaning as ash lips and tongue touched my clitoris "ash fuck baby" .  The way ash, was teasing me was driving me crazy. She slowly sucked my clit back into her warm wet mouth, and she slid in two fingers as well, finding my spot " ahhh fuck yes" I moaned out. My breathing turned sporadic and quick as Ash tongue worked its magic on my clit.

Ash had my pussy so open, I could feel every single nerve in my body being sucks and licked on "I love you Kris" ash said into my pussy. She pushed my legs even further apart, I could feel my legs start to tremble and I knew my orgasm coming on! "Fuck, ash, don't stop baby" I started to arch my back so high off the bed "cum for me baby please" ash begged. I felt my legs go numb and Ash, hit my g spot over and over until I came "oh fuck, yes" I grabbed my pussy and she kept finger fucking me.

She kept going and I kept coming. She finally let me just ride out my orgasm! As I laid there I didn't even notice when ash took her clothes off, but she came hovering over me. "Lay on your stomach for me" she asked. So I did, she sat on my ass, and just rubbed my back and kissed right above my ass crack. It was making me moan, whatever pleasure she was doing "mhmh baby" I said. Ash started to rub her pussy on my ass, she was going back and forth slowly then speeding up " aww shit" she yelled.

I turned back over on my stomach and out her pussy own mines and grabbed her hips she began to rub her pussy on mines. The way her wet hard clit felt on mines was literally taking my breath away "ash fuck me, just like that" I moaned, she just threw her head back. She started going even faster and harder "ahh shit, yes fuck" I watched her, as he legs jerked I knew she was going to cum!

I grabbed her hands in with mines, she she began to feel her orgasm, and I could feel mines to "Kris, stop please" ash begged. She started cuming, and I kept her pussy on mines as I started to cum for the second time.

I be damned if I let Ash just ride this orgasm out! "Bring your ass here" I pulled her off of me and to out her pussy on my face before she could say no she was moaning again "aww fuck, yes Kris right there" ash bounced her small ass up and down my face as I suck her clit and tounges fucked her "fuck baby your pussy taste so fucking good" I gripped even harder or ash thought, because she was trying to get off.

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