24 • Ledgens

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It's been a couple days since I have been back home now! And all I can think about was if my parents are really alive! The only way that I can do that was to go back to Vegas! I don't want to do that, I know how it can be there I left everything and everyone behind.

But this is something I have to do.

But I finally decided to call the number and this time let it ring all the way.

Ring ring

"I hope no one answers" I said to myself

Ring ring

"Don't pick up don't pick up" I started to choke

"Hello, James and Associates Ashlan speaking! How can I make your day better" my father said

I can not believe that my father, my father is not dead. I would never forget the sound of my parents voice.

"Hello, are you there? How can I help you!" He said again, tears just rushed out my eyes

"Sorry wrong number" I hung up, then I heard knock at my door

"Coming be right there" I tried to wipe my eyes

Knock knock

"Yeah" I opened the door and hurry and turned away my face was red

"Look ash, I'm sorry I don't be trying to dominate you all the time okay" Kris walking behind me

"It's okay" I coughed

"Yeah, I don't try to do it on purpose I love you and I just be trying to do the.... Ash what's wrong" Kris turned me around

"What are you crying for " Kris hugged me

"My parents aren't dead" I cried out

"How do you know that for sure?" She asked

"I called the number on the card, and my father answered, why didn't you fucking tell me that they were your Lawyers?" I asked her

"Ash, you never told me anything about your parents, I didn't know for sure I'm sorry okay" Kris sit me down on the couch

"Mr Johnson never even called me back, and he knew this entire fucking time. He had to tell them that I am alive why would....." Kris cut me off

" Baby, look don't worry about that, I'm sure they staying away for a reason, are they in Vegas?" Kris bring me some water

"Yeah, they have to be that's where we lived and that's where Mr Johnson came from to help me with you!" I laid my head on her lap

"Well baby just, look if you wanna go there we can, I won't stop you, there has to be a reason why this happened" I heard Kris talking but my eyes just closed

Kris should be right! It has to be a reason why this happened to me and my family. I hope she's right


This is crazy what is going on with her parents, man why would they leave such a beautiful soul by herself. They had to know who I was that day in court! They knew it, Mr Johnson knew I was ash girlfriend, he had to tell them. What if they didn't even know that she was a lesbian.

I'm The Girl Next Door |SEQUEL|Where stories live. Discover now