44 • Blood

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To night is the night I'm supposed to have this meal with Semaje and his daughter. Who is Gabby, he think I don't know shit. Yeah okay we'll see about that. He's the dumb one after this shit!

I'm getting dressed, in my sunday's best, when Lola busts in my room with Dez

"What the fuck dez?" I yelled covering my self

"You need to speak to her now " she pointed to Lola

"Look I didn't come over for this shit, Dez, she said what she said it's done!" Lola said

"Look Lo, I am sorry! Okay!" I admit

"See, she's sorry Lola!" Dez was shocked

"Wait what your sorry?" Dez repeated

"Yes, I am. Shouldn't have said what I said to you it wasn't right at all! I didn't have to go there!"  I reached out to give her a hug

"Umm ash you ain't got no bra on!" Dez said still looking, Lola covered her eyes

"Right girl, ion want no probs with Kris crazy ass" Lola laughed

"Yeah I mean" Dez stopped herself

What she mean she means? I thought to myself putting my bra on as they left out! Maybe Kris was right about Dez wanting me! Nawl, that's not true, I laughed to myself.

I finally finished getting dressed, and I went out there and talked and chatted with Lola and Dez until Lola left.

" So Dez" I scooted closer to her

"Yeah, umm wassup" she was nervous

"Why would Jason tell, Kris of all people that you like me?" I asked

"Man you know how Jason is" she joked

"So you don't like me?" I got closer, testing my theory

"N-no for what?" She choked

"Oh, okay" I ran my fingers crossed her face, she turned so red

"Yeah, ye" she swallowed hard

"Well, would you tell Kris, if I touched you"I started to lift her shirt up

"I don't think..." I cut her off

" That's right don't think!" I pulled her shirt up all the way her abs was so nice, I ran my fingers down her stomach, she bit her lip

"Well I'll tell Kris that she ain't nothing to worry bout you don't want me" I smiled and got up to call Kris

But I realized that I had to go to that dinner, with Semaje, so I left out ASAP. I made it there on time. I was so fucking horny though I just wanted Kris so bad .

But I had to clear my head. And be ready for what was about to happen.

"Hell, Mrs Ashlandra, good to see you again" Semaje said

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