37 • Petty

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A nigga woke up feeling good as fuck, my legs kinda sore, we end up fucking in the shower again! But hell I was loving this make up sex.

I looked over at Ash who was dead sleep, looking like a baby, and the clock read 9 am. I got into the kitchen and Sky is in the living room

"Sky what the fuck girl?" I said walking up to her

"Hey , Kris good morning" she smiling

"What you doing in here" I asked her

"Ash gave me a key along time ago, I wanted to tell y'all, I was having a party tonight, at my place for my cousin Angel who just  moved here" she walked up to me

"It's nine in the morning sky" I laughed pointing at the clock

"Yeah, and y'all now I be up at 3 am, listening to y'all fuck each other to death" she busted out laughing and I just shook my head

"Sky get your ass outta here" I laughed as she walked to the door

"By sex beast, tell ash I came by" she walked out closing the door laughing

Sky is so weird sometimes, she really do be at that fucking early, doing random shit. I laughed to myself. I started to make something to eat for Ash. As I'm putting pancake batter in the pan she come up behind me

"I'd rather have pussy cakes!" She joked sticking her hand in my shorts

"Aye baby" I jumped

"Don't be dirty up my kitchen" she said getting apple juice out the fridge

"And why do you only have pancake batter, you literally have nothing else baby" I looked at her

"I never go to the grocery store" she said drinking her juice

"Move in with me?" I asked her

"What?" She asked

"Move in to my house, I have more than enough for me, you and some kids and then some" I said flipping the pancakes

"Ummmm" she didn't say anything

"Ash, we getting married and you can't even move in with me?, How you think this was going to work after the marriage?" I asked her

"Kris I'm 20 and your 24, we have all the ti....." I cut her off

"I asked you to marry me to be with me, not be engaged for life, what you asked me for?" I said taking the pancakes out the pan for her

"I didn't ask you just because, I asked you because I wanna be married, Kris you know that. I don't wanna fight with you!" She said walking up to me

" We aren't fighting we are communicating Ashlandra" I said sliding the plate to her

"Look, Kris since we are communicating, we will move in together, I don't have a problem with that baby okay" she smiled

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