53 • New

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It has been a couple days since things went down with ash, and Nina situation! Chrissy has become cooler than we thought, her birthday was the next day! So she's legal now! Not saying, but I'm just saying!  Jason told me he want to ask Lola to be his girl but he ain't trying to get played because he know how she can be. Dez still at ash house, still fine! Angel is annoying as fuck, man like this bitch don't say shit and she better not say shit, she just still annoys me. Dime is missing the fuck out of sky!

"Nawl, Jason dime is coming with us and Chrissy!" I said to Jason on the couch

"So what ash at the crib packing?" He walked into my living room

"Yeah we leave in like two days and Christmas is in five days bro, this year went by so fast" I laughed

"Okay so what y'all rasing Chrissy now,?" He asked

"Nawl, ash just feels bad that she don't got no one! You know like she didn't have no one, that's all that is!" I smiled

"So shawty just turned eighteen ! She bad as fuck Kris" Jason laughed

"Yeah and your point?" I looked him

"Don't go out to Vegas fucking everyone again!" He joked

"Man, I don't even know why dime nasty ass lied to you" I smiled at the memory

"You know damn well I know she wasn't lying" he laughed

"Man, so you gone ask Lola or what?" I got a text from Ash

Wifey💍- I miss the fuck outta you right now 👅🍑💦

Me- nope, don't start that 😶😌

"Kris did you hear what I said nigga" Jason took my phone

"Yeah, you said that , shit Jason I don't know" I busted out laughing

"Man, fuck you! I said that imma ask her tonight, I got her a present, just some earrings but shit a nigga trying!" We laughed

We chatted for a little while longer, then he ended up leaving afterwards.

Knock knock

"Why don't Yall mother fuckers ever use the damn doorbell" I yelled answering the door

"Yeah" I opened the door

"Hey Kris!" It was Chrissy

"Umm wassup?" I stood in the doorway

"Nothing, just stopping by, can I come in!" She asked

"Yeah, sure where is ash at?" I asked closing the door

"She is still packing, look I just came by to tell you that I do appreciate the kindness I have gotten from you!" She walked up to me

"Uh yeah sure! You could've told ash that?" I questioned her

"Yeah I did" she gave me a hug

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