30 • Their Past

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I swear it was the longest flight, ever back home! All this shit I got going on and all I could think about was Kris! I didn't want her to actually leave.

I haven't seen or spoken to her in three fucking days, Jason is mad at me sky is pissed even dime is pissed at me also.

The only person who is talking to me is Lola!

I just wanted to talk to her so bad.

Bae💍- Kris, please come home, so we can talk

Bae💍- I love you and I don't want to fight

Eventually I stopped texting because I wasn't getting no reply. I missed her so much. As I am thinking about kris, I'm walking in my kitchen because my phone is ringing

Ring ring

"Hello?" I said fast

"Ashlandra, this is the only warning to stay away from your parents, and stop trying to contact them" and unknown voice said to me

"Who the fuck are you" I slammed the oven closed

"You heard me, I will not repeat myself at all" they hung up

"Who the fuck....."hung up cut me off, I slammed my phone down

Ring ring

"Don't fucking threaten me bitch" I yelled in the phone

"I haven't said shit" I looked at the number and it was sky

"I'm sorry sky" I said walking the microwave, putting my pizza in

"Yeah, have you talked to Kris yet" she asked

"No, and I haven't talked to you either sky" I said getting my pizza out

"Because your a fucking bitch, ash. Kris has done everything to show you she fucking loves you, and you sometimes treat her like shit, why would take your fucking ring off?" She yelled at me

"I was mad at her she hit me with....."she cut me off

"You know damn well, she didn't mean to hit your stupid ass with no damn phone, that's just your excuse as a fucking scape goat" she said

"No....." She cut me off

"Ashlandra yes it was! We all understand that you have this shit going on with your parents, but you need to be with people and a fucking person who has been there for you period" she was telling the truth

"Your right, sky okay fine your fucking right" I screamed, standing in the kitchen

"I know I'm fucking right you ass, you need to get your shit together ash, or she gone be gone for good, if she ain't already!" Sky hung up

Ugh I hate when she's right! Man I know I keep saying I'm gone do better, but I never should have taken the ring off. So I have to deal with Kris missing and this damn person I don't even know threaten me.

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