6 • Almost

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I woke up sweating out of my sleep in Kris bed. I looked around and it was just me. I looked at the clock and it said 12 am. "Fuck" I said as I got up to go put some water on my face. I went back to bed and just laid there with her pillow, it's four months now. It was beyond missing her, I needed her with me. I couldn't help but think about her hands all over my body. I wanted Kris so bad that I found my self masturbating to the thought of her.

Two fingers of my left hand pushing hard into my wet pussy, thrusting deep, circling, pressing hard against my warm wet pussy walls, whilst the middle and index fingers of my right circle, stroke and pet my clit.

I slide Kris strap between my lips a few more times, enjoying the weight, the ridges on it, enjoying the way it slides against my wetness, spreading it around, coating it, creating quite a mess. I bounce the heavy, rounded head against my clit twice, and feel my pussy clench in response. God, I her to be here right now.

I started panting heavily, my breathing, harsh and loud in the silence of my room. Between my spread thighs, my hands are working tirelessly,my right index finger is swirling endless, slippery circles on my clit while my left hand is steadily pressing the head of Kris strap against my pussy, spreading my pussy lips wide open "aww fuck" I yelled as it felt good and painful, pressure was everywhere it borders on pain.

Pressing the strap tightly to me at its current depth, I attack my clit with vigour, drawing continual slippery circles, round and round, occasionally changing directions and feeling my pussy jump in reflex, and "Kris,fuck" I moaned out! feel the strap open me a little wider and slide a little deeper.

Soon, I feel the telltale tingling and clenching, and my whole body seems to tighten up, all my muscles flex and freeze, except for my fingers, still tirelessly dancing around my clit and "awwww fuck fuck yes, fuck shit awwwwww fuck" My orgasm explodes like fireworks in me and I buck uncontrollably.

My fingers never stop swirling on my clit the whole time, and I feel my pussy gradually relax on the vise-grip it's got on the strap. Looking between my legs, I see my pussy lips stretched wide to accommodate Kris strap, my clit peeking out from its hood, and "I wish you were here to suck on my clit at this point" Although if Kris was here, I'd more likely be fucking her and not this strap.

I just laid there for a few minutes thinking about Kris. I started to cry, I then felt disgusted​ how could I just do that shit. Ugh I'm losing my mind right now. I got up to shower, but it turned into a bath instead I just semurged myself in the water. She is gone way to long for me to be happy with why isn't this going any faster.

I just sat in the tub, not moving not doing anything I got out dried off and went and slept naked for the first time since she has been gone. I don't know what to do with myself.

Ring ring

"Hello" Jason answered sounding sleep

"Man I can't get back to sleep Bru" I said into the phone

"Ash, what's up?" He asked

"I don't know what to do with myself" I said sitting up in bed, looking at the clock read 1:35 am

"Need me to stop by?" He asked

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