55 • Her

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After I got off the phone with Kris me m I felt better knowing that she isn't mad at me, but I felt hurt that she's hurting like this.

It was now, 11 when I got back to Kris room

"Kris are you sleep!" I didn't see her moving in the bed

I walked over to the bed and took my clothes off and finally laid down! She was in the bed, her body was so cold.

" Kris" I placed my hand on her chest, and I felt her chest rise up and down

"Okay,I love you I'm sorry and I didn't know!" I put her under the covers with me

"I love you Ash" she turned to face me

"I didn't know I'm sorry! " I pulled her closer

" It's OK it's not your fault, I shouldn't have acted like it was I'm sorry" she gave me a kiss

"I talked to your mom" I said

"Why ash!" She said hugging me

"Because, she told me to make sure that you don't leave" I said

"I want you to be part of my tiny family Kris, my parents are your parents, now whatever I have you have to okay, no matter what! Your mom said that she don't need you to baby her, she's okay she really is okay!" I said

"Okay, I won't leave okay just lay back down ash!" She pulled me down

"I'm starving!" Kris said

"I wonder why, come-on" I got up

"Not that!" She grabbed my waist

"KRISTINA" I yelled laughing

"Please, I'm having a bad night!" She said

"It's dark so I can't see your puppy dog face, and don't use this as no excuse" I poked her hand

"So you gone leave he hurting like this" I felt her sit up

"Kris, " she grabbed me from behind

"Ash" she called back

"Mhm" she kissed my neck

"I knew you wanted it" Kris laughed laying back down

"Oh hush, I'm tired, can we go to sleep!" I slid down with her

"Yes, baby I love you ash! " Kris before I went to sleep

No matter how Kris is feeling she is never to tired, hungry, mad, sad for sex haha. That's why I love her


It was Christmas morning, I looked over to ash sleeping next to me hanging off the bed, she must have had a good night I laughed. I didn't come to much out the room Christmas Eve, but I knew they all understood why and I appreciate it

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