36 • Actions

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I felt, better that Kris is home. I'm scared shitless without her being here. Of course I was not going to leave her, why would I do that shit.

But I do hate how she dominate me all the time.

I finally finish my shower and I dry off and I put on my sports bra and my black Nike shorts. I walk out the bathroom, and Kris in knocked out naked on top of the covers, I just laugh to myself.

I grabbed the extra blanket out my hall closet and lay it over her and get in bed next to her.

"I wonder why we fight so much? Love shouldn't be this hard! I seen my mother and father love all the time but not like us!" I said out loud to myself

I look over at Kris and she is knocked out. Kris is so fine, I just started smiling. I rolled over to get closer to her, I went to touch her but I seen this fucking bracelet on my damn arm. I can not wear this shit, if I'm fucking Kris, because them niggas gone fuck everything up.

Knock knock

"Yes"Ealy said opening the door "is everything okay ash?" He asked

"Why are you still in your suit, it's 11 pm?" I asked

"Ash, is ..."I cut him off

"Okay whatever take this shit off NOW" I semi yelled, showing my wrist

"We can't!" He lied

"Well, I am a daughter of two Lawyers, you think I know your not lying, please take it off" I pleaded

"I promise to listen to talk, and tell y'all where I'm going" I lied

"Just give it here" Jonah grabbed my wrist taking it off

"Well look that...."Jonah cut me off taking his shirt off, he was fine if I was straight I would be pregnant, by him

"Go get some sleep okay ash" Jonah said and walked away

"Okay you to" I waved sticking my tounge out at Ealy, closing my door

I came back into the room with Kris and she was now under all the covers. She likes it to be cold but to have a billion covers on her. I got back in bed and cuddled up with her naked body.

"Baby" I called her as she laid sleeping on her back, with her hands above her head,and her left leg bent up

I rubbed my hand across her stomach like I always do. And she flench her and up, she moved her arms down and grabbed her stomach. I kissed her neck, and pulled her closer to me.

Kris closed her legs, and started to stretch out, still sleeping.  I ran my fingers crossed her pussy, and found her clit. She didn't move at first, so I started to use my middle finger to rub her clit as I kissed her stomach

"Mmm" Kris said in her sleep, moving now

"You gone wake up baby" I kissed her neck, she opened her eyes

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