46 • Life

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I haven't talked to sky, but I needed to say sorry to Lola I missed her being around. So it was like, 10 am I knew she would be coming from the gym, she should be home by now.

Knock knock

"Be right there" I heard her say

"Yes" she opened the door

"I miss you and I'm sorry" I blurted out

"Nope" she walked away letting me in

"Lola, please I'm sorry don't make me go all fem on you" I pouted

"Oh god stop already" I pushed me

"I'm sorry Lola, I really am I was just upset about everything, that has been going on with my life right now! " I confessed laying my head on her lap

"I know, I talked to Kris and Jason about you, it's okay, I know you don't believe I actually fucked Kris!" She was right, I didn't believe she did I knew she didn't

"I know, I do believe you I was just mad" I rubbed her knee

"Good ,can you stop being a fem now, it's making me feel sick" she joked

"Girl shut up" I laughed

"So, I heard, about Gabby's dad, it's over for him huh?" Lola asked handing me apple juice, and a bagel

"Yes, but I'm pretty sure Kris got Gabby some where" I said

"Well, I told you she is crazy over you, ash that girl loves you, so much!" Lola smiled eating her bacon

"Yeah, your fucking right" I laughed

"So wedding plans?" She asked

"Not one" I shook my head

"Can, I always.." I cut her off

"I don't care, nvm no I gotta do it you can help" we busted out laughing

I stayed at Lola house for a couple more hours until sky called me talking about its an emergency, and to come to her house

Knock knock BANG BANG

"Well hello sexy" angel said

"I don't want you move, SKY BOO " I walked in

"She's back there"angel rubbed my back

"Stop touching me!" I walked back to sky room, she is crying with dime holding her

"Lord, what's wrong ma!" I asked her kneeling Infront of her

"M-my abuela is dying, a-and they want me to come back to Texas, for a while!" She kept crying

"Oh god ma, I'm so sorry, baby I'm so sorry" I grabbed her from dime

"Are, you going with her dime"I asked

"I want to but she want me to stay with you guys, I told her that I need to go with her, but she won't let me" dime looked sad

"I don't need you to go baby, I'm going to be okay, I'm going to be with family until she passes, Im going to be okay" sky wiped her eyes and kissed dime

I'm The Girl Next Door |SEQUEL|Where stories live. Discover now