22 • Troubleshooting

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I woke up about 9 am, I looked over and dime ass is Dead sleep like she just do so much shit everyday. But that's my baby, what can I say. On another note, Kris and Ash don't seem happy at all. They looked happier before they got engaged. And this fucking Gabby bitch man. Don't even get me started on this hoe.

"Dime wake your ass up!" I punched her

"Sky b, what?" She rubbed her eyes

"What the fuck is up with this Gabby bitch, see I don't like this hoe" I sat up

"Man, kris's ex, shit I don't know why she here Kris don't want her that's all I know take your ass back to fucking sleep girl"she pulled me down on the bed

"No, dime because is this bitch is trying to start some shit up it's not gone happy with my baby they been through too much shit" I said

"Kris girl, I know okay we been there with them!" Dime sat up

"Okay well, this Gabby bitch needs to get the fuck on with her bullshit then" I laid back down

Dime is stupid she ain't fucking listening with her annoying ass. But I don't like this Gabby not one bit, she seems so fucking sneaky to me and I don't like it at all.


I was sleeping so good, I had a dream that Kris let me strap her, she never lets me dominate her, and that's starting to get on my nerves. But I do understand that that she has been raped, so im not going to force her to do anything.

So I'm sleep enjoying my damn dream, when all of a sudden, I woke the fuck up

"BABY wake up" Kris shaking me

"Kris what the fuck" I sat up

"Nothing good morning baby" she jumped off the bed

"Kris, really " I got out the bed

"You wanna eat" she asked

"What you so happy for Kristina" I asked stretching

"Because, I love you, it's Saturday, I'm at my mom's house with my friends and my baby" she jumped on the bed

"Kris it is too damn early please stop" I pushed her

"well we going out to day and tonight, so you betta get dat ass up girl" Kris slapped my ass

I got out of bed, and met her stupid ass in the shower. I thought about it being Saturday, and me never being to NYC before, which we just got here yesterday and it got me thinking we should move from Florida it's to much shit going on. Now I'm not saying we gone move to NYC but we should definitely talk about moving period. We getting married right? This has to be an equal decision now.

As we finished our joined shower, we met with everyone in the dinning room to eat some lunch even with Gabby!

"So how did everyone sleep" Kay asked us

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