3 • Her Revenge

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It's been two weeks since Lola been undercover for me, and she said Nina hasn't showed up once, what the fuck is up man! But from what Lola did tell me is that they just making up evidence Courtney thinks her sister is, and that people thinks Kris is innocent! So, we gotta do it just get the scoop from Nina's own mouth.

I haven't spoken to Dime at all, I gotta hit her up, to see what going on with her, well I wasn't doing anything at the moment so, I went to see how she was doing

Knock knock

"Coming, hold up" dime yelled

"Wassup bruh" I said as dime opened the door

"Hey, ash wassup " she motioned me to come in

"Oh nothing I just haven't talked to you, and im just saying wassup!" I sat on the couch

"Yeah I just got some family issues going on but it'll be alright! What about yourself how you holding up!" She asked sitting next to me

"Yeah, I mean I'm hanging in there, trying my best ya know!" I replied

"Yeah sky haven't told me shit about what's going on"dime said

"Word, well you wasn't at Kris pre birthday party, we had broke up and she had this girl Courtney with her, the girl didn't like me, fast forward she helped Tasha and Marcy try to kill me, so we know what happened to them right?!" I said

"Yeah?" Dime was wondering

"Okay so Rico has a half sister named Nina, who is also the half sister of Courtney!" I laughed

"Nigga I know Nina I met her like five years ago, she was trying to get on ya girl" she laughed

"Bruh nawl, nawl Kris cheated on me with her while y'all was in California?" I asked

"What who told you that shit?" Dime asked looking surprised

"Just know I know" I stated

"Ash, no she didn't cheat on you! I was th......" I cut her off

"Anyways, she came back here and drugged Kris and raped her, and took Rico phone and took whatever texts or supposedly information on what happened to them and sent it to the police and they got Kris, but the girl Courtney said that her sister is making up evidence!" I grinned stupid bitches

"Nigga you are not serious right now!" Dime was shocked

"Nigga yes all of this has happened because of this one bitch!" I got annoyed

"Well, I've seen Nina since she's been back she is always at Kris club, I wondered why she's been there every item since Kris has been locked up" dime shook her head

"You not fucking serious, you think she gone be there tonight?"  I asked

"Shit she should, I didn't even know she was in California, I wasn't even paying attention got damn man, I don't think you should go to the club, matter of fact this bitch been talking about Kris like they been friends and shit" dime stood up looking to the clock reading 9:46 pm

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