14 • Love

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I laid there for I don't know how long, but I sure in hell wasn't sleepy. I was scared as fuck, but I was cuddling with my baby so it wasn't all bad. I started to get hot so, I took my clothes off, I enjoyed sleeping naked man. I noticed ash, just had her shorts on.

"Ash, did you hear that" I shook her hard as fuck

"Kris what the heck" she turned around

"Did you hear that shit?" I asked

"How the fuck are you always naked baby, and I ain't hear nothing but yo scared ass" I laid back down on me

"I'm not scared I just thought I umm heard someone or something " I said getting all under the cover

"Okay baby go to sleep" she rubbed my stomach

"Mhmhm" I smiled trying to push her hand lower

"Kris" she laughed

"What!" I asked like I wasn't doing nothing

"Why are you not sleeping" she asked now squeezing my nipple

"That movie baby" I said laying there

"Well, it's a movie please to go sleep" ash said as I pulled her up to kiss her

"Baby" she said in-between kisses

"Shut up" I pulled the covers off us

I laid her on her back and started to kiss her neck, "baby stop" ash moaned as I sucked on her neck! She ended up rolling on top of me straddling me and sucking on my right nipple and pinching the other one. "Shit girl" I moaned rubbing her ass, she suddenly stopped.

"Why you stop" I asked as she sat up

"We got things to do tomorrow, get some sleep" she said kissing me then laying in me

"Baby, it's been almost five months please" I begged

"You gotta wait baby"ash kissed my chest and winked

Fuck, I know she still mad but damn why I gotta still wait. I watched her fall to sleep, then my scary ass finally went to sleep, I just dreamed we was fucking.


I can't believe how scary Kris is after watching that movie last night. All the shit she be talking and she scared of a movie hahaha. Silly ass girl. But in other news man I woke up like four hours later, and had to get this special Sunday sorted for her it's going to be a special day for her. I woke up while she is knocked out with that damn body pillow

Ring Ring

"Shit, I thought I cut that shit down" I ran out the bathroom and grabbed my phone looking at the time read 7:35 am

"Shit, hello" I answered my phone whispering

"Good Morning, Mrs James, it's Ziad from the Miami Dade Chevrolet Delarship" he spoke all energized

"Oh yes yes ,is everything okay?" I questioned washing my face

"Yes, everything is perfect, you told me to call you when we were outside, because you didn't want us to ring the doorbell" he said laughing

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