54 • Family

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I fucking hate flying bro I swear on my fucking life this shit is wack and is for the birds! Literally this shit is for birds!

I swear we been on this flight to like 15 hours and now it wanna just be land in Vegas! Smh. Fuck that y'all bitches took us somewhere else first

"Kris get up already let's go my ass numb" ash tapped me out my thoughts

"Yeah, mines is to feel it ash!" Chrissy said as ash poked her ass

"Wait let me feel it to" dime said

"Man, can y'all stop so I can't get the fuck off

"Someone is cranky?" Chrissy tried to joke, but ash laughed

"Right, she mad she ain't getting NO PUSSY" ash yelled out on the plan

"I'll give you some Kris no worries bro" dime laughed

"Ash fucking stop" I grabbed her hand

"Y'all are silly" chrissy laughed

"So, what hotel are we at?" Chrissy said

"My parents said they couldn't dare let us stay at a hotel" ash added, as we got our bags and went outside to see Ash parents with signs for us,

All I could do was laugh at the sign reading the Cortez's!

"There they go babe" I pointed to them, and Ash took off

"She acts like she never seen her parents" Chrissy joked

"Yo shut the fuck up, no one asked you!" I blurted out

"Damn Kris" dime said

"Wow, what is that for?" She asked bumping past me

"Don't speak on what you don't know" I walked behind her

"I didn't even do anything Kris!" Said defend herself

"Yeah whatever!" I bumped her making her drop her things all over, causing ash to look back

"Kris bro what the fuck is wrong with you " dime yelled

Okay, that was mean but fuck it, she don't know ash or what she been through, the fuck she making jokes for!

"Let me help you" ashlan said to Chrissy

"Thank you sir" she responded

"What happened girl!" Ash asked her

"Kris knocked basically knocked it out my hands" ash cut her eyes to me, and shook her head

"I made a joke about you running to your parents like you never seem em before and she cursed me out, I was only joking I don't know what I did" Chrissy started to cry

"Don't cry sweetie" Andrea came over to her

"Ugh can we go please sir and ma'am" I smiled, they all looked at me

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