59 • I Do

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Today is the day! I'm so fucking happy. I wake up and see Ash, beautiful self laying next to me knowing she has no idea what is going on for today. But it's actually her wedding day. I look at the clock and it's 7:30 am, I should have been up at 6, but ash woke me up in the middle of the night! Talking about a dream she had.

I sneak out of the bed, and go take a quick shower and Ash walks right in the bathroom

"Why are you up so early for baby?" She was peeing

"Oh, umm Jason called he want me to meet him, about the club reopening soon!" I lied turning the shower off

"This damn early, damn haha well I'm going to lay back down" she wiped and washed her hands

"Okay, baby" I dried off as she left the door open

I brushed my teeth, and threw on some sweats, sports bra and a t-shirt and my jacket. I went to get my suit out the closet but ash was woke  still. How I'm going to walk out with this!

"What is at the Fontainebleau Hotel?" She asked catching me off

"Our w...Your gift stop it girl just be there okay and don't be late" I grabbed my suit hoping she ain't notice

"Why you getting your suit bag?" She asked damn ash why you so nosy

"Oh, I bought a suit that I thought Dez would look hella fly in" I lied

"Damn, let me see" she tried to grab it

"No, now go and go back to sleep, and make you you ready ash I'm not playing" I kissed her and left

Man, this as gonna be the day it's really happening! I arrive at Fontainebleau Hotel and it looks amazing. They did a great fucking job on this. All we are waiting for is the flowers to arrive an hour before, so they can be really fresh.

" Ash your mom is here, in the lobby" Dez said

"Oh really she's early bring down here I don't care if she sees it!" I fixed  some chairs

"Aww, baby it's beautiful in here this color lighting is amazing you guys did a great job!" She hugged me

"Thank you ma, I need to talk to you!" I said

"Of course, I can't wait to meet her parents they coming right?" She sat down with me

"Yes, ma they are, they should be here in like an hour, I have to talk to you! " I got her attention

"OK what baby" she held my hands

"I cheated on her" she slapped me across the face, causing Dez and Lola to look

"I, mami, que, why why mija! How could you be so stupidio? " She asked

" I didn't mean to I was drunk, I'm sorry I don't wanna hurt her! "I started crying

"No, it don't matter why you did it or if you didn't mean to, all that matters is that you did it, and that you told her!" I put my head in my hands

I'm The Girl Next Door |SEQUEL|Where stories live. Discover now