49 • Tap

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I woke up to ash on the phone with sky annoying ass who made it to her family safe and sound! But damn why is Ash do damn loud!

But I smiled at the fact that, i, me and my future wife had a little fun with dezzy! I'm making sure that's not the last time either. I could only imagine what is going through her head right now! She probably knocked the fuck out in the guest room!

Nonetheless, ash didn't even let me finish last night what I started with her! Which had me pissed! I wanted to feel her lips on my pussy, sucking my clit all day shit. Man she sometimes erk me!

"I know I miss you baby already" ash tell sky, in the phone

"Hey thottie" I yelled

"Kris shut the fuck up" ash said

"She said fuck you!" Ash laughed

I gave her the finger

"You know what you gotta do to get that baby?" Ash laughed hanging up with sky

"Come on, I can't do that! I just can't! Ash how can you not under..."she cut me off

"Oh no baby, I completely understand what's wrong! And it's fine if you don't want to then you don't have to!" She smiled getting outta bed wearing her bandeau bra and puma shorts

"Ugh" I groaned walk-in into the kitchen to see Dez, making eggs

"Waddup, sleepy head!" She looked so confused,

"Yeah, good uh morning, you umm want some" she avoid eye contact

"Yeah, you got them Buffalo parties, shit a nigga can eat a while plate of them" I laughed, why is Dez making this so weird

"Yeah" was all she said

"Okay, look dezzy" I went and stood next to her

"Yeah?" She was nervous as fuck

"What's wrong? Like was it last night? Like what? You didn't want it? What, cause this shit is just weird now!" I said looking at her

"I mean, yeah and no..." I cut her off

"Wait hold up now, you not about to be saying we raped you cause that ain't what fucking happened!" I walked up on her

"No, I wasn't saying that shit calm down! " She out some eggs in a plate

"I don't know what to think! Just drop the shit iight!" She said

"Hell nawl I ain't dropping it, you told Jason you got these feelings for us, you didn't stop me or ash, you stayed when you still could have left!" I did air hand quotes

"I know I could have left, I enjoyed that shit Kris damn back up off me" she pushed passed me

"Shit girl that is all you had to say" I winked at her

"Now, next time I'm straping down on you " I laughed

"Who said it is a next time" ash walked in

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