28 • Moon

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She was hurt, her heart was broken at this point! She understood that she had to leave but also, she wanted to be with her parents. I did what they asked me to do and that was to take her straight to but to the hotel!

The entire drive back she didn't talk at all she just leaned her seat all the way back and closed her eyes! I wanted to make her feel better, but this kind of pain I didn't know what to do!

"Come on baby, we back" I grabbed her hand and led her back inside the hotel

"Hey guys, how are y'all" Lexi said walking up

"Ash, are you feeling okay" Lexi asked

"Yeah" Ash spoke

"She had a long night and and even longer morning" I said smiling trying to be nice

"Oh well, I work here, if y'all need anything just leave a message for me at the front desk, and I got y'all" she smiled " and feel better  Lani

"Thank you Lexington" ash smiled at her

"Your nickname is Lani with her?" I asked

"Yeah, Kris why? My stomach hurt I just want to lay down"  we got in the elevator and went to our floor

"I'm just asking ash that's all" I opened the door for her as she took her clothes off and just laid down in bed naked

"Tired still?" I asked

"Yes, come lay down with me Kris" ash asked me patting the bed

"Okay" I laid on top of the cover

I laid there until she went to sleep! I knew she was so stressed but she is also very strong!

I got up and wanted to go check in Dime and Sky, to see where they head was at with all of this, about us! I left out the room, and went to their floor.

Knock knock

"Who is it" dime said

"Room service" I lied

"Sky what your ass order now" dime yelled opening the door

"Nothing it's just me" I smiled

"What you want Kris" dime looked annoyed

"Well, can I come in or what, I'm not about to stand here and talk to your ass either!" I pushed passed her

"Nigga, don't get your ass whooped" dime closed the door

"We know you can't beat my ass Domonica " I sat on the couch

"Man, what your bitch ass want"  Kris sat on the bed

"Look me nor, wait where is sky?" I asked

"She went to see Ash, she told me" dime said

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