33 • Crazy

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I missed Kris so much! I'm so tired of everyone making it seem like it's just my fault! Kris does things to me to. I've hit her, she's hit me. I know it's not good but damn they act like I haven't out my life literally on the fucking line for her!

I've always came home to her, always! It's been three weeks and weird crazy shit just keeps happening to me. Okay everyone is talking to me now but still, they seem like it's all me!

I just want all of this shit to be over with already.

I'm trying to clear my mind by listening to lil Kim not tonight remix. When my phone starts ringing

Ring ring

"Hello" I said walking in the bedroom

"Is this ash right?" A girl said

"Yup who is this?" I sat on my bed

"Gabby!" She said

"Bitch why...."she cut me off

"Please just listen to me.." I cut her back off

"You got your fucking nerve calling me bitch" I stood up

"Ash please just listen to me..." I cut her off

"What the fuck do you want hoe?" I yelled in the phone

"I would like to meet to discuss some things with you!" She said

"Why would the fuck I do that, bitch?" I said smiling

"I need to say something to get off my chest and it's better if I do it in person , please!" She begged

"Bitch, you lucky ..." I was cut off by Jonah running in the room

"Ash, is everything okay?" He had his gun out in his hand

"Nigga what the fuck are you doing?" I asked

"I heard yelling" Jonah said

"Hello" Gabby said in the phone

"Bitch fucking hold on" I snapped in her

"I'm fine Jonah I'm on the phone, okay bye please" I brush him away

"Look, I'll fucking meet you at the chipolte on Vegas Rd" I hung up

This bitch think she is slick huh! I wish she would try some shit. I got dressed and snuck out the building without Jonah or Ealy behind me. When I pull up and walk in I see her stupid ass sitting there

"Hey....." I cut her off

"You got five minutes to say whatever you have to fucking say, how this ends depends on what you say" I said sitting across from her

"Look, when I first came back I had no idea that Kris had a girl, I thought we could fix thing's, and she didn't tell me otherwise" she said looking sad

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