5 • Prision Blue's

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Man, I been in this bitch for four fucking months now, these bitches piss me off every single chance they get. I'm pissed because I know this is all Nina's fucking doing. That crazy bitch, I don't even understand how she got to this shit, she is a crazy bitch for real man. I can't see no one, I wanna see my baby but I can't even fucking do that, she can't even brush my hair for me I look a fucking mess. And ain't no bitch in this mother fucker touching shit on me believe that.

I woke up angry every single day. Just like today, I missed Ash, so much this morning, everyday was more and more and more painful to be without her man. This shit is stressing me out, I see my lawyer later on today, as I get up to brush my teeth, I get ready for this shower bullshit, I can't even shave my pussy man.

"Inmate 022691 Cortez line up, inmate 034622 Jameson line up and inmate 019981 Williams line up, shower time" corrections officer Ms Julie Brown

"This bitch is nothing but a horny as dog, trying to fuck everything, watch your back Cortez you knew to this block so she ain't seen you yet" my cellmate Jameson said standing in the line

"This this last thing I fucking need" I said putting my head down as Brown walked passed

"So, you are my new inmate Cortez " Brown asked

"Yes, Ma'am" I said looking straight ahead

"Mhmh, nice very nice" she said I bet she undressing me with her fucking eyes

"Let's go ladies" she pointed to the shower room

"Y'all this bitch nasty as fuck just watch her" Williams said as we undressed to shower

"Aye ma'am, I don't need no help taking my fucking clothes off at all" I yelled at officer brown

"Well, okay watch your self Cortez" she pushed me into the shower

"Welp your done for" Jameson laughed

"Man fuck you, I beat your ass bitch" I walked my naked ass over to her shower

"Aye man chill out I was just joking bro relax"  Jameson yelled

" Fuck outta here then" I walked back to mines and showered

I couldn't help but be on fucking edge around this bitch. Some bitches looked like real niggas some bitches looked like fem bitches, stud bitches and just bitches period, I can't not stay locked up in this bitch period I thought as I got dressed walking out into the hall.

"Fuck I wish I could just shave my pussy" I said bumping into a fucking brick wall, well a big ass bitch

"Shit I can help you with that" she said

"Nawl b I'm good, I got it thanks bro" I tried to walk away, she grabbed me

"The fuck off me bitch" I threw my clothes down and pushed her

"Chill out I was just saying you dropped your shit right here" she handed me a shirt I dropped

"Thanks" I said picking up my other stuff

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