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After I showed everyone to there room, I wanted some sexy time with my baby. This house big enough for no one to hear is and if they do then fuck it!

"Ash, how long you gone be in the shower, baby" I stared at her in the shower

"Bruh, why the fuck are you just standing there like some fucking creep" she threw water at me hitting my sports bra,

"Ugh, hurry up" I signed closing the door

I was waiting for her ass to finish, meanwhile I went to the kitchen to see dime down there!

"Why you looking like that man" I asked going to the fridge

"Nothing, I'm alright" she lied

"Man, wassup dime don't lie" I took a bit of cold turkey leg

"I just don't feel like myself man, like I don't know" she shook her head

"You can always talk to me dime you know that right bruh?" I told her

"Yeah, man I know, I'm alright though it'll pass man, you know how it is" she smiled

"Yeah, I know, but about Gabby" I said

"Yeah nigga I know what the fuck bruh" she turned to me

"Man, I got alot going on Ash parents ain't dead, long ....."she cut me off

"Nigga shut the fuck up" dime said

"Bruh, long story, but I don't trust Gabby at all around ash, she grimy she being to nice I thought she would back off and understand that I have moved on happily, but she seems outta place"  I tossed the turkey bone in the trash

"Well, you know how ash is, so don't be saying one thing and doing another" dime got up

"Yeah, I know but Gabby....."I was interrupted

"Gabby what?" Gabby repeated

"Nothing it's just nice you came to visit Kris mom's" dime said

"Yeah well she was always there for me so, why not" she smiled putting her arm around my neck

"Yeah well I'm sure she appreciates it" I said patting

"Yeah well, I'm about to head up, you coming Kris?" Dime asked

"Yeah, hold up.." I got up

"Umm Kris can I talk to you for a few minutes" Gabby asked

"Ugh yeah sure" I said standing there

"Good night bruh, and Gabrielle

"Night, so wassup !" I didn't sit back down

"I like ash for you she's seems like a sweet girl, I'm happy for you!" She sat down

"Well thank you, that's why I am marrying her!" I smiled at the thought

I'm The Girl Next Door |SEQUEL|Where stories live. Discover now