42 • Please

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I have been hitting Kris stupid ass up for almost two days and this dumb bitch ain't hit me back not one fucking time. I went by her house she ain't even fucking there. She got me all fucked up for real.

"Was she there?" Dez asked as I came in slamming my condo door

"Hell no, and I'm tired of having them bitch ass Renta cops following me every where" I threw my keys at the wall

"Well calm down I'm sure she...." Dez patted my leg by was cut off by hanging at the door

Knock knock BANG

"The fuck" I opened the door to see Kris

"Baby" she grabbed me and started kissing me

"Kris what the fuck is wrong with you" I said in-between her kissing me

"Lord, I fucking love you" she started riping her button up shirt off

"Where have you been mot...."she cut me off trying to take my shorts off, while Dez is looking at us

"Baby, shh just come on" Kris started sliding her jeans down

"Kris we ain't alone" she stopped at looked dead at Dez

"Wassup Dez" she picked me up and carried me to my room, slamming the door

"Kris what is wrong with you" I finally go her off me

"I want it right now" Kris was outta breath, taking her clothes off

"Kris, haha" I laughed

"Come the fuck here" she grabbed me, tossing me on the bed

"Damn" I said wondering what is wrong with her

She stopped next to the bed and pulled me close. Kris kissed me again as she started to undress me dropping my clothes on the floor, then she quickly undressed.

As I looked at Kris body i never admired how beautiful it was and I wanted to cover every inch of it with kisses. I reached out nervously because I didn't know what she was thinking, and lightly caressed her hip then down to her thigh. She moaned softly "mhmm" then brushed my hand away. Her hands pressed against my shoulders, forcing me to lie down.

"Don't move, I'll be right back" as she looked down at me smiling

She disappeared from the room and I wondered what she was doing. I smiled at her telling me not to move. I wouldn't have moved if there was a meteor heading towards me. I was completely at her disposal to do just about anything she wanted.

She returned a moment later with a large box! I watched as she pulled out several lengths of a soft silky fabric and set them on the bed next to me. I looked up at her expectantly and confused!

"Do you trust me not to hurt you?" she asked as she picked up one. She caressed my cheek as she waited

"Yes, Kristina or I would be here" I managed to get out

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