58 • Ready

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I can not believe that in just one day Kris is having a surprise wedding for her and Ash! But I also can't believe that she cheated on Ash. Man I am relieved that she did tell her, but ash is to calm, she might be planning something crazy.

"Can you fucking believe what Kris did to ash" sky said braking me out my thoughts

"Yeah, I know that shit is crazy man!" I said

"If you do that shit to me imma fuck you up!" Sky punch me

"I would never do that" I kissed her cheek

"Why would she even do that to her, when ash didn't do that to her?" Sky asked

"Baby I don't know, baby, I'm glad they fixed it though!"I responded

After talking with my baby, I had to go meet up with Jason, Lola, Dez to set up everything


They was setting up the place and the lights was a nice lavender, it was beautiful.

"Oh, so now your bitch ass wanna show up!" Jason said

"I was busy not doing shit, so yeah I'm just now getting here nigga" I laughed

"We did a nice fucking job right!" Lola yelled

"She is bossy as fuck dog I swear to god she is" Dez said walking past

"Shit I'm glad I just got here" we laughed

"Wassup nigga" Kris said walking up behind me

"Aye, waddup bro, you ready" I dapped up Kris

"I'm nervous as fuck, I'm scared my heart is beating I'm scared she's not gonna show up!" She sat at one of the tables

"Aye don't fuck my table up Kris!" Lola said walking past

"Damn, it's my wedding shut up girl!" Kris said

"Haha she crazy today!" I joked

"Aye look don't be so nervous man, you know she is going to show up! I mean, y'all fixed the cheating thing so, why wouldn't she come?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm just saying man!" Kris was scared

"Man, just go home relax and when you come back everything will be set in the morning!" I resurred her

"Iight man, see you later bro, thank all of yall for making this happen!" Kris said before leaving

We finally finished up putting up everything, all we have to do it to put all the flowers up when they arrive in the morning.


I'm tired as fuck, I woke up and Kris has been gone for a couple of hours, I just chilled. And went out to the store, so I could cook fish tacos for her.

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