31 • Shes Gone

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I haven't heard from Kris and that is not good. I just know she running from Ash! I took it upon myself, to get her club back to how it was because, I know in her state of mind this ain't what she is thinking about right now.

Ash texted me when she landed back in FL, but that was like a week ago, Dime and sky been idk and Lola and Dez been helping me keep sane.

"Wassup Dez man" I said as I sat inside Kris club while the construction workers work

"Man, you know Gabby did this shit" Dez said

"Bru I know they told me, this bitch needs to be talked to if you know what I mean"  I said

"Yeah she does, have you talked to Lo today" Dez asked me

"Yeah this morning I did she said she was going some where but I forget what she said" I responded

Me and Dez chatted for a minute after we walked outside. She was going to work at the gym and I had to find some shit out about Gabby, and where Lo was. At ?

I guess I had something else to take care of first.

Knock knock

"Coming" ash said through the door

"Well hello, Ashlandra" I said as she opened the door

"It was a matter of time before you showed up

"Who are these men" I said making ash turn around to see two big niggas behind me

"Oh that's just Jonah and Ealy Special Agents from my parents" she joked but was serious

"Everything okay here Miss James?" Jonah asked looking at me

"Yes, he's a friend, I'm fine" I shook my arm with the bracelet on it, as they walked out closing the door

"Special agents huh what have you did ash?" I laughed sitting down

"Well for one, my parents ain't dead, I fucked up with Kris, someone is trying to kill me again and this time because of my parents it's just to much" she said

This girl had a damn soap opera going on in her life. I sat there amazed of what had been going on since I been gone.

"So you mean to tell me some nigga named Semaje is after you, sorry ma that name to gay" we busted out laughing

"Well yeah I know but I guess he trying to kill me for my parents which ever he get to first" ash shurged her shoulders

"Well, you know ain't non of us going to let that happen period" I assured her

"I know plus I got David and Goliath out there " we laughed

"Soooo,?" I asked

"Yes Jason I have been calling her all day everyday, and still nothing back" she got up and went to the kitchen

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