20 • Dumb

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Who do Kris think I am! She knows I love her, I don't understand why, she insists on not telling me shit. Her and Gabby ain't no just friends. Trust and believe I know that for a fact. Not only had she never told me about this friend of seven years, but dime didn't even tell sky who she was! Who they think they playing. I get it Kris don't want no more drama. But baby listen, it's here now so we have to deal with it. But after we leave from visiting her mom.

"Are you nervous baby" Kris asked me as we pulled up to her mother's mansion

Her house was beautiful, and I thought Kris house was nice, smh nothing on her mom's. Her house was red brick rustic looking with black gates closing it and surrounding tress everywhere! It looked like it was built in the 1800s but it was nice.

"Ash baby?" Kris called me snapping me out my thoughts

"No, umm why would I be nervous?" I looked at her as she parked

"I'm just asking, that's all baby!" She grabbed my hand

"When is dime and sky going to arrive?" I asked as I got my bag from the back seat of the car

"Sometime today idk right now it's, 9 am so I have no idea baby" she got her bags and we walked to the front door

"Yeah, here we go" I said as Kris rung the door bell

"Do she know where coming?" I asked

"Nope it's a surprise!" She smiled so big

"Welcome home Miss Kristina, your mother has been expecting you" the butler opened the door

"Hey, Wassup Mr Fred. And how I didn't tell her" we walked in

"There is some young lady here" he closed the door and showed us to the family room

"What lady!" Kris asked as Fred took our bags

"Oh my baby Kristina" her mother ran up to her

"Hey momma" Kris kissed her cheek and hugged her back

"And I remember you young lady" she gave me a hug, I did

"Hi ma'am" I smiled

"Shoot, Kris your girlfriend is here" I looked at Kris

"What you talking about mom, she right here" Kris pointed to me

"Oh, ohh, I thought" we walked in the family room all the way and there sat Gabby

"Why the fuck are you here?" Kris yelled

"KRISTINA MARIEL CORTEZ YOU MIND YOUR MOUTH IN MY HOUSE" her mother yelled, I giggled, grabbing her hand, she was making a fist

"That is not my girlfriend, ash is mom you know that" Kris mugged Gabby

"I told her that we aren't dating she must have just saying I'm a girl and we're friends that's all Kris, and I just wanted to visit her that's all" Gaby smiled at me

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