57 • Maybe

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I woke up with a big ass headache, Kris was knocked the fuck out! But I enjoyed my night so much. I'm glad sky is in town I wonder how long she is here for. Anyways I need to shower and take this fucking lingerie off. I was also wondering why Kris ain't even try to fuck last night how good I looked! She seemed in one of her moods

Anyway, I got up went in the bathroom, and turned the shower on. Brushed my teeth while the water got hot as fuck! And then I felt the water and it was perfectly fine. I got in and just let the water run over my body, then I started to wash up!

"Well good morning to you to CORTEZ" I said to Kris she came in the bathroom brushing her teeth not speaking

"Good morning, baby I'm sorry"  she opened the shower door

"Yeah whatever bro!" I threw water on her

"Damn really ash" she said

"Yeah, I can see you in your mood so blah blah blah" I closed the door and finishing my shower

"Don't even think!" Kris got in the shower with me

"Why you being like that?" She asked me as I stood behind her

"I'm. Not doing anything" I grabbed her from behind, playing with her nipples

"Stop, girl you nasty" Kris said laughing

"Shut up and get out" I pulled her hair

"Ouch, umm fuck you up" she yelled as I walked out the shower

We got dressed, and e checked out and headed home, well I went to my place she went to hers. It was 2pm when I got home! And sky was there with dime

"God you have no idea how I have missed your fine ass" I pulled sky into a hug

"How you feeling ash" dime asked for idk why

"Umm, I'm feeling alright I guess!" I said

"Well alright!" Dime got up and walked out

"So anyways, I'm so happy that you are here girl how is your granny doing?" I asked giving sky some water

"Girl she is fighting for as long as she can, the doctors say that she is doing a good job at fighting this kidney cancer, but they don't have a match and can't find one for shit for her!" Sky said

"Damn, no one in your family!" I asked

" Yeah, but they don't want to help her! And because she didn't help me when I needed it, money girl, because she wasnt on the right shit you feel me!" I shook my head

"Less sad things, so are y'all planning a wedding yet or what this shit got me crazy right now!" Sky laughed

"I've been doing a little planning, but I don't know ow about Kris she hasn't said nothing about it, so I guess it's up to this stud to plan her own girly wedding" we busted out laughing

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