11 • Problems

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She pissed me off to the max. I was so angry I threw my cup at her. I didn't mean for it to actually hit her and on top of that to cut her, fuck I don't get why we always fight like this. I can't loose her if it the last thing I do, but we have to stop fighting like this, I just got out of jail, I had my ass beat and I'm taking all my angry out on my girlfriend for no reason.

I shouldn't be that mad at her I wasn't even drunk when I made out with Nina, but apparently Ash was. Either way it go neither of us was right in doing what we did. Also I'm not about to let her catch pneumonia from sitting in the rain and bleeding

"Ash, just come back in please" I stood in the door way

"Ash baby I'm sorry, okay I'll make it up to you, please just come back in"  she just sat there

"Okay fine"  I stepped out and set down next to her on the steps

"Whatever you waiting for I'll wait with" you I said pulling my knees to my chest and wincing in pain

"Ouch" I put my knees back down, she glanced at me

"Just go back in Kris I'm fine" she said

"No!" I sat in the rain with her

"Why are you out here" ash asked

"I didn't ask you to leave my house, nor to leave me, I don't want you to go anywhere else!" I said not looking at her, but I felt her look at me

"Yeah could have foold me!" She shook her head

" Please come back in ash" I grabbed her arm getting up, she didn't say nothing she just got up and went inside with her bags

"Come up here and change out them clothes" I was walking up status and she started to follow me

"Okay" she sat her wet bags in the bathroom

"I know your clothes are wet so just here put this on" I had got fully naked and sat her some clothes on the bed

"Give it here Kris" she walked out the bathroom with just a towel on

"It's just there on the bed" I pointed to the bed standing at my walk in closet naked looking at her walk past

"Thanks Kris" her attitude was on ten, she dropped the towel on the floor and I saw the cut on her side still bleeding some

"Wait before you get dressed" I put on some shorts and walked over to her

"I don't need to fucking sit down" she said trying to put her shirt on first, I snatched it from her,

"Ash, look just sit the fuck down please" I got a small first aid kit from under the bed,. As she sat there naked

"Okay what do you want Kris!" She asked as I got between her legs

"Just wanna clean this up that's all" Trying not to think about her pussy dead in my face right now, I started to wipe her cut off my acohol pads

"That shit fucking burns Kris " she jumped making me look dead at her pussy just looking right back at me

"Concentrate Kris" I said out loud accidentally

"What?" She asked

"Nothing just be still okay" I finished wiping it and applied some cream in it, this cut was right above the gash she received when the bomb blew up on her, that scar was so big

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