4 • Dues

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So, I miss my nigga so much man. How did I ever let her get caught up in this bullshit with these bitches around here. I told her not to do this shit man. I told her plain and simple don't do this shit. And she went and did this shit anyways, and now her ass is in jail.

I can't express how much I miss Kris right now, she like the little sister I never had man. But we all gotta help Kris get out of this shit she ain't do it by herself. That when I come in. I been going on this fake ass dates with Nina for two weeks trying to get this bitch to open up to me, she do little by little. But tonight this bitch gone open up or imma just kill her and we gone have to prison break Kris ass.

Knock knock

"Welcome to my crib ma" I said opening the door for Nina, she smiled

"Well thank you sir" she laughed

"How are you doing" I showed her to the kitchen

"Oh ,wow you cooked, it smells amazing in here and everything looks so good" I sat her at the table

"Dig in when your ready" I said

We talked over dinner for like an hour or so, she told me about her brother Rico that she haven't seen until couple months ago. Of course I pretended like I didn't know who Rico was. But then she started talking about how her sister was almost killed

"Yeah she was attacked some moths ago by some girls in an ally, and they paralysed her" she looked angry

"Why would some do something like that" we finished eating and went in the living room

"Just some jealous bitches I guess I wasn't here then I was back in Cali!" She stated

"Man that's fucked up, if that were me I would be doing everything to make sure they ass in for life" I said sounding convincing

"Yeah, I know what you mean" she grinned

"I swear if someone did that to my little sister, and they didn't find no evidence, shit I'll fake some shit up in a heartbeat, I'm dead serious ma, I'll do whatever for mines!" I was being serious, because I would naaa I'll just kill em

"Atleast I'm not alone, and that's what I did. They was telling me that they can't arrest someone for something with no evidence so, I faked some shit with my two cousins who are officer's, why not the bitch needed to be off the street" she laughed

"Haha, damn ma you cold for that one but shit, bitches gotta learn who to fuck with and who not!" I laughed, looking at my phone fake vibrates answering it

"Hold on ma? Yeah wassup pops? Who! How the fuck that happen, damn man I'm on a date! Yeah she cute looks like a keeper, okay fine I'll be there in ten minutes bye pops" I fake hung up

"I'm cute huh" she smiled

"Yeah, you are, but I got a fam emergency I gotta go meet my pops at the hospital ma!" I said getting my car keys

"Damn hope everything is going to be okay" she smiled as we walked out the door and I walked her to her car

"Thanks ma, hit me up later okay!" I said closing her car door and going to mines driving in the direction of the hospital

I'm The Girl Next Door |SEQUEL|Where stories live. Discover now