17 • Life Lessons

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It's been a couple days since Kris has said anything about the Gabby girl! Which is fine, I just hope she out her in her place because the last thing I need is another body to get rid off this time it's gone be Kris ass.

Jason ass I back in town finally, I just know he already know that me and Kris are officially engaged. I'm just waiting for him to pop up and make a big ole scene like he does with shit like this. I laughed at the thought of him being so damn happy.

Mean while I'm searching for this pair of pants that Kris has that I love to wear because they do damn comfortable, I found em. I went to wash em and cleaned the pockets out and a condom fell out and a business card fell out.

"Why the fuck do she got a fucking condom for?" I said out loud walking out her laundry room

"KRISTINA!" I yelled for her, as I read the business card information

"A&A James and Associates"  I stopped in my tracks

"How the fuck do she have my parents business card" I said leaning on the wall



"Why do you have this?" I held up the condom and the business card

"One baby, I don't got a dick so I don't need condoms, two that's my lawyers business card" she went to take it out my hand I snatched it away

"Fuck you, imma fuck you up" I threw the condom at her

"We can fight here" she pulled me to her

"Kris who gave you this card?" I asked her

"I told you my lawyers did baby, why?" She kissed me

"Fucking stop this is serious right now Kristina" I pushed away from her walking in the kitchen

"Sorry, what's wrong?" She followed me

"What was they names? I asked her

"Ash, I umm I don't ....." I cut her off

"Fuck Kris try to think about it, it's fucking important" I picked up my phone calling. Mr Johnson

"Ash, stop fucking talking to be like that bru" she walked up to me

"Get the fuck out my face and try to remember what it fucking was" I pushed her back

"What the fuck is your problem Ashlandra" she said trying to snatch the phone away

"Fucking stop bitch, Hello Mr Johnson, it's Ashlandra, you probably already know why I am calling, so don't bullshit me" I hung up, and pushed her away

"Did you just call me out my name ash?" Kris walked up to me backing me in to the island

"So the fuck what you don't get it" I'm so annoyed at the fact that my parents business card is in her possession and she wanna act like she don't know

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