29 • Sun

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I can't believe she actually took her ring off! She took her fucking ring off. How many times can I say this shit she took her fucking ring off!

I left to go get her some ice for her chest, which I didn't mean to hit her at all! But I didn't he right thing. I come back thinking they all went to get food, they tell me they in they room. I'm calling her, and I look and see her ring on the dresser.

I would have never took my ring off. Then she sends me to fucking voicemail. I don't know where she is I don't know, what she is doing.

I went up to dime room.


"Have y'all heard from here it's been like three hours" I asked as sky opened the door

"Kris hunny, it's 11pm, she's stressed, this is her city let her have her time okay...I cut sky off

"She took of her fucking ring sky, I can't even believe that" I pulled her ring out my pocket

"Kris okay, we see we get it bruh, y'all are both going through some scary shit right now! Okay..."I cut dime off

"Man, I don't wanna hear...."sky cut me off

"Kris shut up, we have known your stubborn ass for fucking years now, you need to start fucking listening to us!" Sky yelled at me

"Right, Kris, ash is well both of y'all are going through shit, y'all aren't talking how y'all should, but where ever she is you need to give her space Kris" dime said

"Kris, you smell like liquor, please just go lay down and let her be right now" sky said giving me an unwelcome hug

"Right Kris just please get some sleep" dime said

"Y'all are right, I will give her some space, good night y'all, see y'all later" I fake smiled and walked out the room

They was right! I was stubborn but I would have never taken my ring off. But she did, and that means she don't want it and she don't want this, or me!

I made my way back to our room. I was going to give her, her space for sure! I packed my things up. I wrote sorry on a note card used for the housekeepers saying "SORRY" and I placed both of our rings on the dresser.

It was over!

I just wanted to leave. I end up catching an Uber to the airport, and buying a plane ticket.

I just wanted my life to end right now!


Why would Ash fucking do that to Kris, knowing how crazy she is over her. Ash knows Kris want her for the rest of her life, but ash thinks like only her feelings are involved in their relationship sometimes.

I called her a few times straight to voicemail so I texted her

Booskie- why would you do something so stupid to Kris! Y'all are both stubborn as hell for no fucking reason at all. You need to come the fuck back to the hotel and y'all need to work this shit out pronto

I'm The Girl Next Door |SEQUEL|Where stories live. Discover now