13 • I Want You

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The day Ash left has been hell for me and it's I ly been four days since I've seen her, it's fucking Saturday, I miss her fucking guts man. I been having night terrors, like a bitch. I wanted to text her and go by her house but I didn't, I been trying to clear my mind from her right now. But Todo what, it's dime and sky anniversary, they busy. Ugh lord, when is Jason coming back. I don't feel like going to the club I been doin that the past four days, shit it's my club I don't wanna be there period.

Well my ex, well my technically an ex and old fuck buddy of mines Gabby had hit me up after years and wanted to chill like old times before we was fuck buddies, so I guess I'll meet up with her for dinner or something. I have to admit Gabby was a fine as fem, I'm talking brake ya neck looking at her fine kinda fine. Light skin, golden hair, green golden eyes, plump pink lips, lord have my soul right now.

Gina - so, punk ass did you wanna do dinner or what?

Me - yeah sure nothing else to do!

Gina -  okay, chili's in an hour. 👌

Me - 🤘👍

I put my phone on the charger, it was already 9 so making it there by 10 pm ain't bad. I hoped in the shower and washed up. I got out and got dressed simple as that. And I was on my way to chili's I'm glad when I went inside she was already there because I was late anyways.

"Oh so looked who finally got the balls to show up" she got up to hug me

"Shit a nigga had to get dress" I hugged her back then sitting down

"Well you ain't have to but you look nice" she joked

"Hahaha, you looking good yourself" the waiter came over

"Here are your drinks, a lemonade for you kiss and a pineapple and orange juice mix for you miss" she hand me the mix drink

"Oh well thank" it's my favorite think to drink

"Your welcome" Gabby said smiling

"What can I get y'all to eat" she asked

"I'll take the roasted turkey sandwich, with fries" I said

"I'll have the boneless buffalo chicken salad"  Gabby said

"Okay be right up" she walked away

"So, how long you been back here!" I asked her looking at my phone to see Ash picture as the saver, I smiled

"Well, for like two weeks now" she laughed

"What's funny?" I asked

"You've check your phone like fifty times already!" She said

"Well your right!" I put it on vibration and back in my pocket

"So, anywho what you been doing, I heard your club still be popping" she smiled

"Yeah, man it got my living good actually, you thought a bitch was rapping!" I laughed

"Well shit, I know you got bitches then" she laughed

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