45 • Peaceful

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Im so hurt right now, how could she record me without telling me anything. Don't she know better, I don't like that shit never have I ever liked that shit. I don't want no one seeing me vulnerable like that.

Seeing us in a moment that's just for us, unless it's you know, but that's beside the point. She shouldn't have don't that, period. When I finally made it home I called the one person I knew who could give me good advice.

Ring ring

"Please answer, even thought it's midnight" I looked at the clock

"Dr, Laura speaking" she picked up

"Oh god thank you" I was relieved

"What's wrong Kris?" She said, sounded have sleep

"Sorry for waking you" I apologized

"It's quite alright my dear, what's wrong?" She asked again

"Ash recorded us having sex like a lot, and one of our friends found it, and told me, thinking I knew and I didn't!" I explained to her

"Okay, what did she say was the reason for doing so?" She asked

"I didn't give her a chance, I called her a bitch tossed the videos at her and left"  I confessed

"You threw them or tossed them Kris?" She waited

"Okay fine I threw them but not trying to hurt her like lightly throwing them to her" I sat on my couch

"Why didn't you let her explain?" Dr Laura sounded woke

"Because, why didn't she ask me to record it, or whatever the case..." She cut me off

"Kris I get it, you felt vulnerable, and to exposed especially for someone else than ash seeing you like that, that's normal, yes it was wrong for Ash to record without your permission, but you don't have to call her out her name and lightly throw things at her , and we talked about this Kris!" She said

"Yes, I know Doc!" I said back

"Just relax for tonight and let her explain later okay, don't be so hurt I'm sure, she isn't trying to hurt you" laura said

"Okay, thanks again, gn doc" I said

"Call me if anything else okay, gn" she hung up

I miss Ash, already, I picked my phone back up, and was looking at some pictures of us. I was getting all sad. I decided to get in the shower to try and relax.

The shower was definitely needed, I just stood there for what felt like years before I cleaned my body. My hands hurt so bad, if ash was here she would change my bandages for me. This shit sucks, why do I have to be the dick in our relationship, why can't it ever be her.

She just seems to good for me!

Me- y'all 😴

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