Chapter 8

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"I can't describe how much that meant to me, Dan." I sniffed, wiping away the last tear I had left to offer.

"I feel like such a stalker now.." He embarrassedly sniffed. I know he was trying to hide it, but there were tears dripping down his cheeks during that speech.

"Don't. Because its my turn." I said. He looked at me with a tear in his eyes.

"No, Phil. I'm going to cry." Dan laughed. But I did it anyway.

"The first day of school, when you saved me, I thought you were such a hero. Even though I know now that I'm even a little older, it still is true. You're my hero. When you introduced me to Ryder, I was really pissed, because I thought maybe I had the tiniest chance with you. But I kept liking you. Noticing how perfect you are in every single way. Your adorable half- grin. The way your eyes sparkle when you're excited. How Gerard Way is your hero. How devoted you are to your family. Your obsession with llamas. How much you love your friends. How you love theatre. Going to redding festival every year because you love it. The way you take care of your dog. Your defense for anyone or anything you care about. How you took me in when I was the loser. I admire you in so many ways, Dan Howell. So thank you for letting me tell you that."

There was a moment of silence between us, our frozen breath in the air before us lingering. Me waiting for him to say something.

"I-I'm your hero?" Dan looked up at me. I nodded. He let out a sob and hugged me. I hugged him harder back. And in that moment, everything was perfect.


"What does this mean for us?" Dan asked after a while. We were lying on the cold ground in complete silence, not even a bird was chirping. Just Dan and I, breathing quietly.

"I... I don't know." I whispered. I liked him so much, but I didn't know what I wanted to do about it. Go out with him?

"Here. Come up." He replied, lifting himself from the ground and have me his hand. I took it and was lifted by the strong boy. He smiled at me, brushing dirt off my back.

"Thanks." I mumbled, blushing. Anything he did that was mildly flirty made me blush.

"Lets go home. I'll walk you to your house." He offered. I nodded and started to walk out of the woods.

"Wait, I know a long way that's easier to your house." Dan pointed in the opposite direction. I bit my lip and nodded. He grabbed my arm and pulled me through the woods.

"What's your CO story?" Dan asked while we trudged through the woods. He was asking about me coming out.

"I was 17. I had a huge crush on this guy and I realized I didn't really like girls in that way one night. I was going I have to break up with my current 'girlfriend'" I air quoted. "So a few weeks later, I told my parents."

"Were they surprised?" He asked. I could tell he was actually interested. I had noticed that whenever I talked, he would lean in a bit. He never did that with anyone else but me. It made me feel so special.

"A little, but they were just happy I was being myself," I quoted them exactly. My mum said that bit, while my dad just nodded like it was no big deal. Which I was grateful for. "What about you?"

"Well," Dan sighed. "I was out to my friends before my parents. It was 2 years ago, I was 16. My parents didn't really react, they seemingly didn't care, but I knew they did. They would argue about it a lot. They didn't think I could hear them, but I could. It was pretty bad."

"I'm sorry." I whispered to him, putting my arm around his shoulder.

"Why? It's not your fault." He smiled.

"I'm still sorry." I told him. He grinned and rustled my hair, a pet peeve of mine. But I didn't really mind when he did it.

"You look cute in that coat, where'd you get it?" He joked, poking at my torso, covered in its leather cage.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry, I meant to return it to you. Here," I started I take it off, but he stopped me. He shook his head rapidly.

"Keep it. You look a adorable. Better than I ever looked in it." He kept stealing glances at me. I blushed. I knew it wasn't true, he always looked so cute, but I wasn't about to argue with him.

When we finally got to my house, I turned around to say goodbye.


"Will you be my boyfriend?" He suddenly asked. I was stunned. I couldn't comprehend it. Dan... boyfriend... he likes me? He likes me? He likes me?

"I-I-" I stuttered. I didn't know what to say. My mind said yes, but my body said no.

"Please, Phil?" He begged. I wanted so badly to scream yes, but I couldn't.

"Can I think about it?" I blurted out. I could see his face fall, but he picked it back up. His heart looked shattered, and I hated myself for doing that to him.

"Y-Yeah. Of course." He whispered. I gave him a huge hug, even though I wanted to kiss him again. I wanted to kiss him so hard, but I knew I couldn't.

"Bye, Dan."

"Bye, Phil."

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