Chapter 29

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I got home and was immediately stressed. I had tons of studying for final exams to do, the one uni I really wanted to go to still hadn't sent out letters, and my parents were asking me where I'd been. Typical teenage stuff, but I couldn't handle it.

My parents started to nag me intensely.

"Where were you?"

"Don't you have to study?"

"Do you have any homework?"

"When's your next test?"

"You need to wash the dishes!"

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I yelled, covering my ears with both my hands and running up the stairs. My parents were obviously going to punish me for telling them to shut up, but I didn't care. I was already stressed enough.

I slammed the door to my room and fell onto my bed with my hands still over my ears. Parents were the worst. I locked the door quickly so they couldn't come in.

I say down at my computer and sighed. I already missed Dan and his kisses.


The next day, I waited for Dan in the crowded hallway as usual. I talked to Cece and Robbie, laughed as usual. Dan came into the school, kissed me from behind as usual.

"Hey babe." I smiled falsely at him. I had a terrible night the night before, and had accidentally cut my finger with a kitchen knife. It was still throbbing and had a band aid over it.

"Hey, what happened to your finger?" Dan asked, walking up next to me and holding up my hand.

"I'm clumsy as hell. I cut my finger while washing the dishes last night." I told him, fake pouting. He was already making me feel better.

"Aw, honey." He laughed and kissed my finger while looking into my eyes.

"Guys. We have a shitload of tests tomorrow." Cece interrupted. Dan and I turned towards her.

"I know right! I'm going to study all night." I told her. I was so nervous about them, and I was starting to get really anxious.

"You mean we're going to study all night." Dan interjected. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Dan. We're going to study together." I bit my lip, looking up at him. He grinned back down at me. He was so happy, at least for then. And so was I.


"Hey." Dan said, walking into his room with two apples. He told me he hated being watched while eating so I decided to join him. I was lying upside down on his bed, my head hanging off the side while I stared at one of the posters on his wall.

"Hey." I sighed. I was tired, but I knew I had to study for those stupid tests I had. Suddenly, Dan's face appeared in front of mine, grinning.

"Don't be so stressed, okay? We can do this." He encouraged me. I closed my eyes and shook my head, smiling at the upside down Dan.

"I love you." I told him, opening my eyes again. He kissed me. It felt like a Spider-Man kiss and it must of looked adorable. We had a lot of adorable kisses that someone should've gotten on camera. But we were fine with keeping them all to ourselves.

"I love you even more. So should we study?" Dan asked after pulling away.



After we finished studying, I asked him if he was done with his apple. He nodded and picked up a apple core from his bedside table. I chuckled a little.

"That's mine, honey." I told him. I was laying on his stomach, which was hollow but still comfortable.

"I know... I just couldn't finish mine." He sighed defeatedly and handed me his real apple, which was half finished.

"You did good. Really good." I grinned at him. At least he had eaten something. I scooted up the bed and kissed his nose.

"We're so cute." He chuckled as he put his arm around me.

"I know." I said and he started to climb on top of me. I laughed, turning my head away. Dan started to kiss my neck gently, but then deepening. A feeling came to my stomach, a nice feeling. I usually had a nice feeling with Dan, but this was stronger. Better.

"Dan- I- oh my god..." I started to moan while he grinned into my neck. He knew I loved it, and he was using that to his advantage. I didn't even care, it felt so good.

I slipped off his shirt as he slipped off mine. My glasses were knocked to the ground. We hadn't done that before, but I couldn't stop it. The feeling was getting better. I started to kiss him then, while he just grinned. I kissed all over his neck, then starting down his chest. He moaned, as I kissed him, getting farther and farther down.

He started to do it to me, kissing my stomach and torso. It tickled, in all the right ways. As he did that, I started to kiss his collarbones and shoulders. He loved it.

We were making so much noise, I thanked the god I didn't believe in that the walls were soundproofed. He made his way down to the top of my jeans and looked up as if to ask permission. I nodded, moaning in pleasure.

He smirked and unbuttoned them and slid them off.

A great night, might I say.

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