Chapter 20

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"It's finally getting warmer, babe." Dan grinned, taking my hand as we left the school. It was the second day of April then, and it was in fact getting warmer. Finally.

"It is." I nodded, squeezing his hand. Cece and Robbie followed, Robbie's arm wrapped around Cece's small shoulders. They had gotten together right after Valentine's day, which resulted in her coming over to my house and us screaming with each other.

"Do you guys want to go into town?" Dan proposed to the small group. I nodded. I wanted to get my mind off of uni applications. Finalists were being announced that following week, and I was really nervous. So was Dan.

"We got to pass. We're running lines. Theatre and school auditions soon." Cece said, putting her arm around Robbie's waist.

"Yeah- she's auditioning for uni, I'm auditioning for a TV show." Robbie grinned. "She's going to get in."

"You are too." She looked up at him. "You'll make the perfect Peter Pan."

I mentally died inside. They were the cutest couple ever. They thought the same about Dan and I, but everyone knew it was them.

"I'll see you guys around then." I waved as they started to walk to the tube station. I sighed, they were so adorable.

"Let's go, get our minds off uni for a bit." Dan said and started to pull me into the heart of London.

The school was really close to London, pretty much inside it basically. A lot of people went to the coffee shop before school started and sometimes after.

Dan led me to the coffee shop- Starbucks. I opened the door and we walked in, smelling the wonderful smell of coffee. And other things.

"What'd you want? It's on me this time. No arguing." Dan said, pulling out his wallet. I always insisted on paying, but this time he wasn't having it.

"I'm not buying anything if I'm not paying." I grumped. He just rolled his eyes. When we got to the front of the line, he cleared his throat.

"One iced expresso and one mocha expresso please." He told the person working there. After a few minutes, the orders were called. We both went and got them. He handed me the mocha.

"Whatever, I'll pay you back later." I mumbled and took the coffee.

"No you won't." He waved me off and we walked away.

"Where do you want to go?" Dan asked as we stepped outside the Starbucks. I looked around at all the bustling shoppers. Some were so lost, they must have been tourists. I felt bad for them, it must have been so scary to be in London without knowing where they were going.

"We could just walk around." I suggested. He nodded and we started to walk. We walked for a while, then found a book store. I made him go in, I was such a dork. I loved reading.

I grabbed a Harry Potter book and say down on a couch they had there. Rolling his eyes, Dan sat down next to me. He obviously knew I'd read them over and over again.

We say in silence for a while- drinking our coffees and reading the same Harry Potter book together in the sunlight of the bookshop. I looked up from the book to look at him. My beautiful boyfriend.

"I love you." I told him for the first time. He looked up and grinned, surprised.

"I love you more." He told me back.


"I'll see you later." Dan said as we reached my back door. I didn't want to let go of his hand, but I did anyway.

"Okay." I smiled at him.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"You didn't say I love you too." Dan noticed.

"It's not as good." I said, pulling him in by the waist and kissing him. That was a thing I did: pulling him in. He loved it as much as I did.

"I'll see you tomorrow."


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