Chpater 39

139 9 2

"Are we there yet?" I asked him for the millionth time. He sighed and turned the steering wheel a little to the left.

"No. We have three more hours to go. Just sleep or something." Dan groaned, watching the roads intensely.

"I can't." I told him.

"Why not? I thought you were tired." He said.

"Because of all that damn food you fed me a few hours ago. And now I hate you." I pouted, crossing my arms.

"Well, sorry. You look a lot better than you said you would." He flirted, trying not looking at me.

"Oh, please." I rolled my eyes. "Can you put on music or something at least?"

"You do it. If I shift my attention from the road, we're going to die." Dan told me.

"Okay, fine." I said and got out my iPhone. I plugged it into a USB cable laying on the cup holder where 2 coffees were sitting for both Dan and I. Mine was half gone, but Dan hadn't drank any of his.

I pressed shuffle on all of my songs and it instantly felt better. Dan started to smile too.

"I've got troubled thoughts and the self esteem to match. What a catch... what a catch." He sang with the music, turning us to a new street.

"Same." I mumbled, still grinning at the adorable boy. I was starting to get really tired.

"Aw, honey." He smiled sadly at me.

"Ugh, I'm so messed up." I groaned, lifting my legs and sat with my legs criss crossed.

"No you're not." He said and we sat there for a while, just listening to the songs. Then I put my legs down and yelped.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly, still keeping his eyes on the road. He was a good driver.

"I just had a really good idea!" I said, fumbling with the pocket I my sweatshirt. I pulled out my notebook and groaned in frustration.

"Do you have a pencil?" I asked urgently.

"Yeah. One in my pocket, you can get it." He told me, gesturing his head down to his pocket. I grabbed down to his pocket and got the pencil. He giggled, seeing that I was grabbing around his crotch.

"Shut up." I told him sternly, trying to keep the idea in my head. It was harder to keep, considering that I was growing more tired.

I finally got the pencil and opened the notebook. I started to write rapidly.

"Hmm.. hmm.. and... yeah... Can you turn off the music?" I asked while writing my idea down.

"Okay." He said and switched off the volume. I kept writing and writing my idea as he drove.

"Hmm.. Hmm.. and..." I kept writing. My eyes started to droop, and my thoughts were becoming more and more blurry. I guess the sleep deprivation was catching up to me.

My head dropped down and the pencil slipped out of my hand. I laid my head against the seat and fell asleep.


"Hey, wake up." Dan shook me gently. I opened my eyes and looked up, squinting my eyes. Where were my glasses?

"What?" I asked sleepily.

"Awe, you look so cute." He mumbled, not thinking I could hear him.

"Oh, shut up. Are we here?" I straightened myself out and looked around. I couldn't see, everything was so blurry.

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