Chapter 34

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"Should we wait?" I asked Dan a few hours later as we stared at both of the envelopes. Dan had gotten his in the mail a few days earlier, and I had gotten mine that day. This was the uni we both really wanted to go to, and if we got in with each other, it would be amazing.

"No, I can't wait any longer." He said, not even looking up from the letter. I agreed, I was far too anxious. There was a minute of silence, just us staring at the envelopes.

"Dan?" I asked nervously. He looked up finally and gave a 'hm?'

"If we both don't get in.. or one of us does and the other one doesn't.. do you think we'll try to keep us going?" I questioned. I didn't want to lose the one person I was in love with just because of a stupid uni.

"I hadn't even thought about losing you." He told me, looking as if it had just dawned on him.

"Do you think we could try, then?" I asked again. He nodded certainly and looked back at his letter.

"Should I go first?" He asked, looking up at me again with a terrible worry in his eyes.

"Sure, I guess so." I stuttered. It was really started to sink in then. What were in those envelopes was going to decide what Dan and I's future together would be.

He started to open the envelope slowly, and then all at once. He read the letter rapidly, his eyes darting across the page. I looked at his face, trying to read his emotions. He looked up, with his eyes not showing anything.

"I got in, Phil. I-I got in!" He started to grin. He tackled me onto the bed, just laughing. I hugged back and kissed him on the forehead.

"You did it!" I yelled and laughed with him. I was so nervous that I wasn't going to get in, so I just pretended to be excited. I was actually so proud of him, but my nervousness took over.

"Okay, okay. Enough of me, you open yours." Dan climbed off of me, straightening out his shirt and staring at me. I got up and grabbed my letter again.

"If you don't go, I won't go either." He told me while I looked at the envelope.

"Don't even say that." I scoffed at him and started to open it. As I read the letter, I could feel his eyes on me. I tried not to notice as I read it.

"Dan..." I started, looking up. He looked at me with sadness and panic in his eyes. He heard the sound of my voice and just knew it was bad news.

"I didn't." I told him. His face fell completely and tears filled his eyes. I put down my letter and made a sad face.

"Y-You didn't?" Dan asked, his voice cracking a little.

"No," I looked down. "I did get in! Tricked you!" I looked back up and grinned, sticking my tongue out.

"I hate you!" He started to grin widely and tackled me onto the bed. He didn't kiss me though, we just wrestled all around his bed.

We switched places on top of each other many times, as we wrestled and wrestled. Finally, he settled his place on top of me, slipped his hand under my shirt, and kissed me hard.

"Looks like we won't have to stop is anytime soon." I mumbled, grinning.

"I guess we don't." He answered and kissed me again.


Later that night, Dan and I were sitting on his bed, while I was sitting in between his legs and he was playing with me hair. We were worn out by the excitement of the letters and both of us getting in. We were listening to the album Sunshine State of Mind by We The Kings, and everything seemed perfect.

"We have to go to school tomorrow, babe." I groaned quietly as he took pieces of my hair and twirled them on his fingers.

"I know, but it's okay. We have the whole summer next week." Dan told me, ruffling my hair around. It was a great feeling, and it made everything feel okay.

"Your birthday is in a week." I realized out loud.

"Is it?" He asked as if he didn't know. I scoffed and turned around to face him.

"I didn't want you to remember. Please don't get me anything." He whined.

"You got me something for my birthday, so I'm getting you something, you adorable little twat." I told him, turning around completely and laying on his stomach. I rested my head on his chest as he groaned.

"But I don't want you to." He told me, resting his head on my head.

"I don't care." I chuckled. He just sighed and we started to listen to the music.

"Hm. This song." Dan said as the song Say You Like Me started playing. It was sort of our song by then, and it was nice to listen to.

"Never heard this one before, have we?" I said sarcastically, closing my eyes. He started to play with my hair again and started to sing.

I fell asleep, listening to Dan and We The Kings sing the song that we loved so much.


"Last day of school!" Cece held her hand up for a high five as I walked in with Dan a few days later. I high fived her and laughed happily. My senior year had been amazing. Well, except for the depression and anxiety. But school had been great.

"It's been a good year, hasn't it?" Robbie grinned, putting his arm around Cece. She looked up at him and nodded. Dan suddenly felt the need to also put his arm around me, so I just went with it.

"Guys! Did we tell you? Robbie got the part in Once Upon a Time!" Cece started to jump up and down out of Robbie's arm. My mouth fell open in excitement. I wasn't that surprised, I'd seen him act before. He was amazing.

"Congrats, Robbie!" I grinned at him. He blushed deeply, but uttered a small 'thanks.'

"You'll make a great Peter Pan." Dan told him. Robbie smiled again and nodded appreciatively. "Cute, too."

I laughed. I wasn't annoyed or jealous, I just agreed. Robbie was a very attractive guy.

"Oi!" Cece exclaimed, pulling Robbie closer to her.

"Control your boyfriend!" She told me. We all bursted out laughing.

The bell rang and people started to flood the hallway, moving to class. All of the underclassmen started to push us through the room.

"Calm down!" Cece yelled into the sea of kids. I hid my face in my hands, laughing. She was so open with her hatred for all of the younger people in the school. Sure, they were annoying. But I would never say anything.

"Are we going to class?" Dan asked after they all passed. Robbie and Cece had been pulled with the crowd.

"Yeah, let's go." I grabbed his hand and started to lead him to the science classroom.


"Campfire tonight, isn't there?" I asked Dan when we got back to his house after the last day of high school we would ever have. There had been many tears. Not for me. I had my friends and I knew we would stay in touch for a long, long time.

"Yeah. Last one." He sighed, throwing his backpack all the way across his room. I did the same and laid on his bed, spread eagle.

"You just gave me a huge opportunity, Phil." Dan said cheekily. I could almost hear him grinning as he started to lay on top of me.

"Dan!" I exclaimed as he laid there, on my back. He was taller than me, so his head reached above mine. He kissed the top of my head.

"I love you, you awful little twat." I groaned into his bed sheets.

"I love you too, you terrible... I can't think of anything, but I love you." He said into my ear. It made me grin even though he couldn't see me.

"Get off of me, Dan." I told him. He gradually moved his way off of me. I then sat up in a functional human position. We laid sat up together on his bed and stared into nothingness for a while. Everything was silent, just the sound of us enjoying each others company.


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