Chapter 32

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"I think you're spending too much time with.. um.. Dan." My mum told me when I got home. My mouth dropped open in surprise.

"Are.. are you serious?" I asked, offended. He'd never even mentioned it before.

"You're almost never home.." She started, but I interrupted.

"He's my boyfriend! He's making me better!" I yelled at her. I was getting worked up at her. It wasn't fair. He loved me and I loved him, and we were helping each other quite a lot.

"I- um- I just don't think you should spend as much time at his house." Mum said awkwardly. I got up out of the chair, seething with anger.

"Mum, what's my favorite animal? My favorite band? What's my favorite subject in school?" I asked her, crossing my arms.

"I- Phil, you've never talked to me about any of that stuff." She sighed.

"You never bothered to even ask!" I yelled, startling her.

"You know what?" My face was turning red and I was shaking. I was so mad, it was like she didn't even care.

"I'm leaving." I scoffed. I ran up to my room and grabbed some things. My laptop, a few of my albums, my favorite pair of boots, and my MP3 player.

"Are you really leaving?" My mum asked, rolling her eyes. I nodded angrily, all my things in my hands.

"This is ridiculous. Where would you go?" She scoffed sarcastically.

"To my boyfriends'. Yeah? Sort of backfired didn't it?" I asked sassily. Mum just sighed and let her head down.

"Thought so. Tell Martin I said bye." I turned and walked down the stairs and out of the house. Tears of anger filled my eyes as I started to run toward Dan's house. I reached it and knocked on the door. Tears slipped down my face silently.

Dan greeted me at the door, a happy but confused look on his face.

"Phil?" He asked. Then he noticed that I was carrying my stuff with me. "Why do you have-?"

I started to cry harder and he took me in his arms. I rested my head on his collarbones and cried. Why didn't my mum understand? Why didn't she care about me enough?

"Are you alright? What happened? Why do you have all your favorite stuff with you?" He asked, stroking my hair.

"It's my mum." I sobbed into his shoulder. He took all of my stuff and led me up to his room where we could talk without being interrupted. When we got there, my crying had ceased slightly, but tears were still present.

"What happened with your mum, honey?" He asked gently, sitting down on his bed with me.

"She just doesn't get it." I sniffed. I felt so pathetic, like a little kid.

"Get what?"

"She told me I was spending too much time with you. Sure, yeah. I spend most of my time over here, with you. And you know why?" I started to explain. wiping my eyes.

"Why?" he asked timidly.

"Because I love you so much, and I know you love me back. And that makes life so much easier to deal with. She apparently doesn't understand that you're helping with my anxiety and depression. That's a lot for someone to do for someone else." I told him, starting to face him.

"I haven't done anything." He whispered, staring at me in admiration.

"Bullshit. You've done more for me than anyone has ever done." I shushed him quickly. "And after she told me, I got mad. She didn't understand that you're making me better. Then I realized she doesn't even know me at all."

"Oh." He replied simply still staring.

"What's my favorite animal?" I asked him.

"Lions. Duh." He answered within a second.

"What's my favorite band?"

"Fall Out Boy."

"What's my favorite subject in school?"

"Science. More specifically: biology."

"See, my mum couldn't answer those. And you could. That's saying something." I told him. His eyes filled with tears and he tackled me with a huge hug.

"I love you, and I'm so sorry that your mum can't see that." He whispered into my ear as he hugged me tight.

"I love you so much." I cried into him.


I fell asleep soon after that, being tired from being sad. Dan laid there with me, even though he wasn't tired. That's what you do if your significant other is tired. You lay with them.

When I woke up, I realized that he had taken my glasses off and laid them on his headstand. I looked around the darkish room to find Dan sitting at his desk and reading something.

"Dan?" I mumbled sleepily. He looked over and I saw he was wearing some glasses. He realized I was awake and took the glasses off immediately. Everything was blurry, but I knew they weren't mine.

"Were you wearing glasses?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. He looked very guilty.

"No.." He lied, putting his book down.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about it." I told him, stretching out my arms.

"They're only reading glasses." He mumbled, blushing red.

"That's really cute!" I giggled. He came over and sat on the bed with me. I pulled him down with me and smiled at him, still tired.

"Now you have to tell me something that nobody else knows." He told me after a minute.

"My hair isn't really black." I admitted reluctantly. I didn't tell anyone in London because I didn't like my natural hair.

"Really? What color is it?" He asked, his eyes widening.

"Red," I blushed. "I'm a ginger."

"Awe, really?" He ran his fingers through my hair to find the roots. He kept searching and searching, but couldn't find them.

"The person who did it did a good job." I told him, lifting the corner of my mouth.

"I think you'd look cute with red hair." Dan whispered into my ear. He kissed my ear and it was so cute.

"Dan, Dan!" I scolded as he went down my neck. I could feel a hickey being formed, but I didn't really care. It felt really good, anyways.


"That was terrible, and I love you so much." I groaned at Dan a few hours later. He had just told me a terrible joke while we were sitting there. He was playing with my hair while we were listening to one of the Fall Out Boy albums I had given him.

"Yeah, my dad told it to me before he left." He shrugged, ruffling my hair around. It was my favorite feeling when he did that.

"You gave me a huge hickey, by the way. How are we going to hide that?" I asked, tilting my head upwards. He just grinned and kissed my forehead.

"We don't have to.." Dan smiled down at me.

"Your mum wouldn't let me stay if she saw it."

"Then I guess we'll have to stay in here, then." He smirked.

"You're so gay." I grinned up at him.

"You are too." He said.

"I know. We're so gay." I laughed and he kissed me again.


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