Years Later

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I flip through the pages of this journal I kept from ages 17 to a year ago. It's so weird to think that I thought this way as a kid and I'm the exact same at 32. There's so much stuff about me and Dan in here.

I tug the collar of the tuxedo and read a few other pages, skipping lots and lots in between.

June 9, the day we moved in together after uni. We had a bottle of wine each and I was totally wasted and he laughed at me but it was okay, because I did too.

The first horrible fight about a year after that. I stayed at Kayla's for a few weeks and when Dan and I were reunited, I cried and told him I was sorry. He cried too and hugged me. Hard.

And the day he proposed when we were in America, sight seeing by ourselves and when we stepped outside a crappy diner and he couldn't take it anymore and I said...


I look in the mirror and sigh. I've been waking for this for years, and now that it's finally here, I don't know what to do. I'm marrying the soul mate that I met when I was only 17. A stupid, nerdy seventeen year old and he watched me grow and I watched him grow.

And I cried and I laughed and now...

What do I do?

A creak of a door sounds behind me and I spin around.

"Dan, you scared me. And aren't we not supposed to see each other before the wedding?" I sigh and turn back around to slam the journal.

"Sorry. I just needed to see you." He grins that adorable half-grin he's always had.

"It's okay." I say and he walks over to me.

"What's that?" Dan asks, pointing at the little book full of so many years.

"Nothing." I say and turn around to face him. He's grown up so much and so well and I don't know what to think. Am I supposed to miss the 18 year old Dan or embrace the new 31 year old one? Or both?

"Danny, I'm nervous." I tell him.


"What am I supposed to do?" I ask, pulling him in for a hug. He hugs back with his strong warm arms he always had.

"Don't do anything. Just... be yourself and it'll all be fine." He assures me, planting a kiss on my head.

"There's so many people here and what if there aren't enough-"

"Shhh, it's fine, everything is perfect." He says.

"How?" I ask anxiously.

"Because I'm marrying the guy that I've loved for 15 years. How could it be anything other than perfect?" He asks, pulling away from the hug and locking eyes with me.

"It couldn't."




how cute!!

sorry for ending it like this, but i've been working on another story and didn't just want to leave you guys hanging. i mean, after fifty chapters, you'd think you'd have enough of someone's bad writing :)

did y'all like the story?? i kinda did! it was good...ish.

thank you guys sooo much for reading!

wow i'm rambling.

p.s. the story i'm writing is called Lovely Freaks. so if you liked this one, you should go read that.

p.p.s. pls read it

p.p.p.s. yeah it only has five reads

p.p.p.p.s. love you all :)))


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