Chapter 13

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"R-Really? You're not kidding?" He stuttered. I nodded, holding the camera close to my chest. He grinned widely and attacked me in a hug. We fell over onto the cold ground, laughing. He kissed my forehead repeatedly. I blushed, there was a funny feeling in my stomach. A good funny feeling.

"Help me up." I laughed when Dan got up. He held his hand for me and I took it. He pulled me up without effort. After he did, a cell phone started to ring. It was obviously Dan's, because I didn't have one.

"One second." He grinned at me. The funny feeling returned. Every time he smiled at me, it came back.

"Mum, I'm doing something.

At my friend's house.

I'll be there soon.




Bye Mum."

"I have to go." He frowned. I frowned a little too. I wanted him to stay, but I nodded.

"I know, I don't want to go, but my mum will literally kill me." Dan smiled. The funny feeling came back, littler that time.

"Okay, I'll see you later." I grinned at him. I was even more excited about Christmas then. I had a boyfriend. I had a boyfriend. It was Dan.

"Bye, Phil." Dan smiled even wider, if that was possible. We hugged me and he whispered in my ear.

"Merry Christmas."

It was only a simple thing to say, but the way he sad it was so mesmerizing. I pulled away.

"Merry Christmas." I whispered back. Then he was gone.


I went back inside the house and started to smile like an idiot. I should have said yes the moment he had asked me. But that made it more special, on Christmas. I would remember that picture forever. I set down the camera on a coffee table.

"Phil? Is that you?" Martin started to come from the kitchen. He was carrying 2 mugs of hot chocolate, and he handed one to me. I accepted.

Martin and I had a tradition where we would have hot chocolate on Christmas morning, waiting for our parents to wake up.

"What were you doing outside?" He asked. I blushed and he noticed.

"Come here I'll explain." I said, leading him to the kitchen where he had came from. My brother and I were mostly honest with each other and told each other most everything.

I sat down on the counter with the mug in my hand, taking a sip. He stood across the room, staring at me.

"What happened out there?" Martin asked. I smiled again, remembering the photo.

"Well, after you sent me away from your room, I went to my room. I heard a clicking on my window, so I looked down. It was my f-friend Dan." I started. Should I have called Dan a friend? He was more than a friend.

"Wait, is this the 'friend' that asked you out?" My brother asked me. I nodded, and Martin made a suggestive face.

"Shut up. Anyway, he gave me my present." I smiled.

"What was it?"

"It was a camera." I told him. He gasped. I always told him I wanted a camera, he obviously knew it was special.

"Oooh! He's a keeper." He laughed. I knew he would say that. Martin was always supported, but extremely protective. He hated Tyler.

"He's lovely. That's why I'm his boyfriend now." I said, smiling hugely.

"Really?!" Martin exclaimed loudly. I nodded, hopping off the counter. He held his hand up for a high five, which I gladly returned. He also gave me a huge hug.

"I have to meet him. A guy that gave you a camera, damn. He's totally a keeper." Martin started his rant. I knew he was almost as excited as I was.

"Let's wake up Mum and Dad."


"So What's so important about this, then?" Mum grumbled, coming down the stairs.

"First, it's Christmas." I started as my dad came with my mum.

"Secondly," Martin cut me off. "Looks like Phil is going to have someone to kiss on New Years."

"Excuse me?" Dad asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Looks. Like. Phil. Is. Going. To. Have. Someone. To. Kiss. On. New. Years." Martin scoffed sassily. He was still the same sassy teenage boy he was a few years back.

"Does this mean you've got a boyfriend, Phil?" Dad asked proudly, as my mum looked confused.

"Dammit Martin, I was going to tell them," I whispered to him, before turning to my parents. "Yeah, I've-I've got a boyfriend."

"Good for you son!" Dad hurried down the stairs and clapped me on the back. I smiled awkwardly. "Finally gotten over Tyler."

I'd been over Tyler for such a long time, but I guess I'd never told them. It was still awkward, though.

"Yeah I guess." I mumbled.

"Nice job, Phil. He's a lucky guy." Mum smiled widely.

"Thanks." I chuckled. It was a bit funny to me, it wasn't that big of a deal. My while family was treating it like I'd become prime minister.

"Lets start presents!" Martin yelled like a little kid. We all laughed, but made our way to the tree.


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