Chapter 4

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"Philip Michael Lester, where were you last night?" My mum frantically woke me up the next morning with her screaming at my door, flicking the lights on suddenly. I groaned loudly, I had only gotten about five hours of sleep that night. I usually ran on seven or eight..

"Phil!" My mum squawked, stomping over to my bed. I threw a pillow over my eyes, moaning a 'nooo'

"Tell me where you were!" She demanded. I could hear her voice filling with rage only mums can make. I slowly lowered the pillow because I was scared she was going to slap me.

"I went somewhere with some... friends." I mumbled into the hair covering my face. Everything was so blurry, my glasses on my headstand were blocked out by my mum.

"Which friends? Where did you go?" She bitterly spoke. I rolled my eyes under my eyelids.

"Just a few people from school." I told her. "And we went to a friends house." I added on, lying. I felt like nobody wanted me to tell about the special place... it seemed so sacred. Sort of like a safe haven for high schoolers.

"Fine. But tell us next time, okay?! We were scared to death." She sighed, turning around and handing me my glasses. I nodded in thanks, putting them on, and I could see everything; the band posters on the wall, my closed laptop on my desk on the other side of the room.

"You're not dead, so I highly doubt that." I sarcastically remarked. She rolled her eyes very obviously and started to leave the room.

"Come on, I'll drive you in today." My mum smiled. She was happy that I had found some friends. I was too, it was nice to fit in.

After she left, I pushed my bed sheets aside and decided to get dressed. I put on a regular black vest and pulled on a red sweatshirt over it. I always wore sweatshirts, it covered up my skinniness. I hated it a lot. I took off my sweatpants and put on some black jeans.

I rustled my hair and yawned. That day already seemed bad. I didn't have time to take a shower that morning, and I hated that. I just put on a lot of deodorant and left the room.

I had very little breakfast, I wasn't hungry. My parents looked at me dissatisfied, but I just glared at them. I'm not hungry! I wanted to say. My hunger was decreasing lots since I started to grow, it was weird. So I was losing a lot of weight. It's usually the other way, but not for me.

"Lets go... we're going to be late." I mumbled to my mum. She nodded and started to get out to the car. I put my earphones in while my mum started it up and didn't take them off until I got to school.


"Hi Phil!" Dan smiled, walking over to my desk when I got to science class. I still had one earphone in, but I smiled at him back. He smiled at me! He smiled at me! Trigger alarms went off in my head.

"Hey Dan." I kept cool, trying not to scream. He knelt down next to me and grinned up at me. I almost died then, he was so cute.

"What are you listening to?" He asked. I handed him an earphone. He gladly took it and put it in his ear. My favorite song started right as he put it in.

"She's the girl that no one ever knows." Dan started to sing along. My love for him grew about 10x more in that second. Whenever someone knows your favorite song (bonus points if they can sing it), go for it.

"You know this song?" I whispered. The class had started to stare at Dan singing. He was pretty good too, which turned me on. I love singers.

"Yeah, We The Kings! They're the shit!" Dan smirked, stopping singing. I sighed, finally someone had good music taste. And he was so hot.

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