Chapter 10

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I smiled as my family stepped out of our car. We were going to pick out a Christmas tree that night. I loved Christmas tree places, they smelled so good and it was quite cold. I loved the cold, but sometimes it was hard to handle. I was wearing Dan's jacket again, which was hugely warm.

"Lets hurry." Martin mumbled. He hated the cold, which was weird. I thought it was weird, at least.

My mum rolled her eyes and we started to search through the trees. Our ceiling was quite average for a house, so we looked at all the normal trees. I breathed a deep breath in, pine was my favorite scent.

"Look at this one!" I exclaimed, pointing at a tree. It was fluffy and green. It was perfect.

"That looks good. Lets go now." Martin agreed and shoved his face more inside his jacket. Mum, dad, and I rolled our eyes at him.

"This actually does look very good." My mum said, touching the branches a bit. I smiled, I had finally chosen something right.

"Yes. Phil, good job." Dad told me. I smiled. It was so stupid, but that made me feel so good.

"Thanks." I simply responded. My parents called over an assistant to get the tree. Within minutes, the tree was strapped to our car and we were driving away. We were quick like that.

We got home after about 15 minutes. We lugged it in- well, I didn't. I just watched them do it. We got it into the tree stand and looked at it together.

"It's perfect." Martin smiled. I smiled too. I started to get excited for Christmas.


"Yay!" I grinned. It was done. Sure, it was 2:00 in the morning, but the tree looked great. My parents had gone to bed 3 hours before, but they didn't know Martin and I stayed up decorating it.

"It looks good. Nice choice, Phil." Martin patted me on the back. I smiled at him.

"I'm going to bed, see you in the morning." I told him after giving it one last look. He nodded and yawned. I trudged up the stairs, careful not to wake my parents.

I changed into a vest and the pajama bottoms I wore everyday and laid down on my bed.

It was so late, and I was so tired that I couldn't fall asleep. I tried and tried, but it just didn't happen.

So I logged onto my computer. I saw that Dan was still online.

Amazing Phil- Hey, you up for a skype call?

He immediately replied.

danisnotonfire- always for you

Suddenly, a Skype call appeared. Dan was already calling. I clicked accept and brought my laptop over to my bed.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked when the call connected.

"Yeah. I just can't fall asleep. Do you have any tips?" I asked, propping my head on my hand. I was struggling to stay awake at this point.

"I don't know, really. I'm sorry." He frowned. I knew he wanted to help me so bad but couldn't. His face gave it away.

"You could sing to me. Your voice is so pretty." I asked him, my eyes drooping.

"Always for you." He smiled and started to sing.

"He's the guy that no one ever knows, and I say hi but he's too shy to say hell-o. He's just waiting for that one, to take his hand and shake him up. I bet.. I could-"

I don't remember the rest. I must have fallen asleep.


I woke up late the next morning to a pounding on my door. I opened my eyes suddenly and groaned. Mornings were not my forte.

"Phil! Wake up!" Martin's voice boomed from the door. I moaned at him. He came in the room and walked over to the bed. He started to shake me, and that's when I screamed at him.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I yelled at him. "Stop shaking me, you twat." I added, mumbling.

"Excuse me! You weren't up and it's already 1:30." He sassed me. I rolled my eyes, yawning.

"Whatever. It's not like I have school." I said. "I was just going to watch Buffy all day."

"Well... I guess I can't argue. Can I watch with you?" He shrugged.

"When I'm ready. Don't start without me, like last time." I demanded. I didn't talk to him for about 2 days when he started the new episode without me once.

"Hurry up then." Martin pulled me out of bed. "Why are you sleeping with your laptop?" He added when he noticed it under the covers.

What was I supposed to tell him?

Oh yeah, the guy who I have a crush on (who asked me out by he way) sang me to sleep over Skype last night. No big deal?

No, that sounded a but weird.

"No reason, really." I mumbled, grabbing my glasses from beside me. I had forgotten to take them off the last night.

"You know I heard voices from your room last night. I heard... singing?" Martin winked at me. He knew about Dan.

"Shut up." I told him, blushing slightly. "Now get out of my room."

He left after laughing at me a little. I got dressed in my normal outfit and went downstairs.

I got some breakfast and made my way into the TV room with my bowl of cereal. Martin was already sitting there with the remote in his hand.

"Was that your boyfriend?" He asked, turning to me.

"Excuse me?" I said, knowing exactly what he was talking about. I say down on the couch. I tried to take the remote away from him, but he raised it above his head.

"The one singin' to you? Last night?" He said. I groaned.

"No, he's not my boyfriend. Leave it alone, okay?" I told him.

"No! Do you guys have some sort of relationship?"

"He asked me out but not really... Just a friend." I mumbled quietly.

"He asked you out?" He grinned, as I blushed furiously.

"....Yes." I whispered.

"Is he cute?" He asked.

"Oh my god, Martin, can't we just watch Buffy?" I struggled to get the remote from him, but I couldn't.

"Is. He. Cute?"

"Sure, whatever. I'll let you pick the show if we just stop talking about it!" I yelled at him.

"Fine," He smirked. "Let's watch Dr. Who."

"Can we pleeeeease watch Buffy?" I whined at him.

"What's his name, then?"

"Fine, we'll watch Dr. Who."

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