Chapter 41

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The rest of the reception was so fun. I talked to the bride and groom for a little bit, congratulating them and things. They were so nice. I also met a bunch of Dan's family, which was really interesting.

Dan tried to pull me onto the dance floor once when there was a slow song playing.

"I can't dance, Dan." I told him, resisting his grab on my arm.

"All you have to do is sway." He said back, pulling harder. He was stronger than me, so I was pulled onto the dance floor against my will.

"Please don't make do this." I begged. But he just pulled me closer to him and we started to sway.

"See?" He asked after a minute. "This isn't too bad."

I sighed and kept swaying, my head propped on his shoulders.

"Why are you so perfect?" I asked him quietly.

"I'm not." He replied.

"Well you are to me." I said, looking up and smiling weakly at him.

"That's all I aim to be." Dan grinned at me. I kissed him and he kissed back as we swayed.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.


The rest of the reception drew slowly to a close. It was the most fun I had ever had. I finished all my champagne without even getting tipsy, I danced a little, and I helped Dan babysit his little cousins for a few minutes.

As their parents danced, Dan and I amused the kids. One of his cousins was a baby, who I was holding, and his other cousin was about 3 or 4. They were adorable, but I was mostly watching Dan's face. He didn't seem annoyed to have to watch the kids. He seemed pretty happy and amused. His eyes weren't lying when they said that he was genuinely having fun.

I was, too. I was holding the baby, who's name was Darcy. She was very quiet and had a pleasant expression on her face. I was bouncing my leg up and down so she would move with me, and she was giggling like a baby should.

The parents came back after about 20 minutes and took the kids back. I was a little disappointed that Darcy had to leave, but I handed her back to her mum.

"Thank you guys so much. You'll both make great dads one day." The mum told us. I smiled shyly up at her as the dad took the kid.

"Thanks Aunt Cathy. It was so nice to see you." Dan smiled as he got up. I followed.

"Bye, Dan." They waved and we walked away. As we walked, Dan threw his arm around my shoulders.

"She's right, you know." He looked down at me.

"About what?" I asked, putting my arm around his thin waist.

"You being a good dad." He told me.

"Really? You think so?" I looked up at him.

"Yeah. Do you want kids?" He stopped us. I pulled both of us over to the wall so we wouldn't block people's way.

"Of course. Being a dad would be awesome. Too bad I can't have a biological kid, though." I told him.

"Too gay?" Dan joked.

"Way too gay." I agreed. "Do you want kids?"

"Yeah. What guy doesn't want to be a dad?" He told me. "But I mean, I'm only 18. I need a few more years to be an idiot."

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