Chapter 30

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We woke up the next morning with a ghost of the feeling we had last night. We both didn't have any clothes on except for our boxers, and the covers and clothes were on the floor. I was so glad the door was locked. If his mum would've found us, I probably wouldn't have been seeing Dan again. Ever.

The alarm on his bedside table was beeping loudly as Dan and I groaned simultaneously. I looked at him as he looked at me and we started laughing quietly and weakly. I slammed the alarm clock with my hand and looked back at him.

"Good morning." Dan grinned and groaned at the same time. I smiled at the boy.

"Your bed head is sexy." I told him like I did before we were dating. He just smiled cheekily and ruffled my hair.

"Yours is too, Phil." He bit his lip. I smacked him lightly.

"Keep it in your pants." I hissed at him, sticking out my tongue. I suddenly felt self conscious, he was even skinnier than I was. I felt skinny, but I didn't at the same time.

Dan got up and stretched, then came back down to me. He kissed my belly button. I giggled because it tickled.

"Let's get dressed, I'll get you a coffee at Starbucks if we get there early enough." He told me. I nodded and closed my eyes just to stretch. He obviously thought I was going back to sleep, because he tickled my bare stomach. I yelped and jumped, opening my eyes.

"Dan!" I screamed and fell off the bed. All I heard was him laughing extremely hard. He came around and held out his hand for me.

"Come on, exams." He said, helping me up. I took his hand. Then I really realized that I was shirtless and pant less in front of him.

I covered myself instantly in an embarrassing instinct. He giggled and took both of my arms and put them around his waist.

"You're perfect. Okay?" Dan looked into my eyes. I nodded, not that I believed him, just that I wanted to get to school.

We got ready and Dan gave me some of his clothes including his varsity jacket, which I gladly wore. When we finally got downstairs, Adrian was there getting breakfast.

"Hey Phil." He greeted me. Dan looked offended.

"Hey Adrian." I smiled at him.

"What about me?" Dan whined.

"I don't like you as much." Adrian told him and him and I high fived. Dan looked mock-sad and grabbed my other hand.

"Well he's my boyfriend. So back off." He said defensively. Adrian just rolled his eyes and mumbled a 'whatever, Dan'.

"Bye, then." We said and walked out the door. We had to catch the underground.

We got it just in time, and even got to school early. Dan took my hand and pulled me out of the train. I yelped and was pulled away. He pulled me all the way to the Starbucks.

I reached for my pocket to find my wallet, but then I realized I left it at Dan's house.

"Damn it!" I whispered. Dan looked over.

"What?" He asked. People were starting to look over in the line, which made me feel really awkward. I straightened myself back out.

"I left my wallet at your house." I muttered, embarrassed. He just laughed and got out his own wallet.

"I wasn't going to let you pay anyways." Dan laughed. I just pouted for the whole time while he bought us two coffees.

"Happy exam day!" He said as he handed me my regular order: mocha expresso. I nodded and clicked his cup against mine.

"Lets go, I don't want to miss the one class I actually like." I said, taking a sip even though I knew it was too hot.

"The one test I know I'm going to fail." Dan sighed.

"I taught you, didn't I?" I said, starting to walk to the door.

"You are a good teacher." He nodded and we walked to school together.


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