Chapter 15

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He led me up to his room by the collar of my coat. I'd been to his house before, but not to his room. We'd just watched TV together in his living room and I would leave. So I was excited.

We got up there, kissing so violently I didn't even have the chance to look around. His room was in the attic, so no one could hear us moan.

We laid down on the bed, kissing up a storm. Tongue was involved, and heavy breathing. He was much better than Tyler ever was. It had only been a week, but Dan had outdone Tyler more than Tyler could've done in 5 months.

Moans were muffled from the outside world, from his brother.

His mum was out of town, she was coming back the next day.

"Dan, say my name." I whispered into his ear. I made my way down his neck, I was pretty good at this stuff, and I could tell he was loving it.

"I said- say. my. name." I growled as he moaned.

"Phil, oh my god Phil!" He groaned quietly but loud enough that I could hear. He was enjoying it well, as was I.

I climbed on top of him, kissing him all over. We switched positions and I was so put of breath, but in the best way possible. It was the best night I'd ever had, and every second was worth it.

I ruffled around his hair as my glasses slipped off my face. This went on for a few minutes until we both pulled away, gasping for air.

I put my glasses back on and sighed. We both beat her heavily, that was a lot of work.

"You're... really good at that." Dan panted, standing up and taking off the sweatshirt. As he pulled it off, some of his shirt was taken with it, revealing his torso.

"Natural, I guess," I stared at him. "And what'd you mean about 'not being in shape?' You're fit as hell."

"Shut up, no I'm not." He blushed, pulling his shirt back down. He was obviously as insecure as I was about my body, except he thought he was on the opposite end of the scale.

I stood up and grabbed his shirt and pulled it up. I stared at his body. It was hot; so hot. As I stared at him, Dan stared at me with a mixture of embarrassment and sadness in his eyes.

"Yes. You. Are." I whispered into his ear, pulling the shirt back down. He shivered with excitement, which made me smirk. I was doing it right. The one thing I could do right was this, which made it even better.

"Says you." He breathed. I looked at him, confused. I laid back down on his bed closing my eyes. All that had worn me out.

"Hm?" I asked him, eyes still closed.

"Like you're not fit." He said, lying down next to me. I could feel warmth radiate from him and I loved it.

"I'm not, I'm just really skinny." I waved him off. My eyes were still closed, thinking about his torso. I was so engrossed with Dan but I didn't even care. It was natural with him.

"I'd rather be skinny than... this." He sighed, starting to cuddle with me. I could tell his eyes were shut too. I quickly opened mine and punched him in the arm lightly.

"What'd you do that for?" he whined, his eyes opening. I started to fix his hair.

"For saying that you'd rather be skinny than be as sexy as hell." I whispered, adjusting his fringe. He looked so cute, I couldn't believe that he had just made out with me. My eyelids were starting to droop, I was suddenly so tired.

"You're tired, go to bed." Dan waved off my compliment. I struggled to keep my eyes open, but I needed to.

"Not until you admit that you're hotter than me." I pouted. He scoffed, taking my glasses and putting them on his nightstand.

"I guess you'll stay awake forever, then." He smiled, kissing my forehead. It made me feel happier than ever. It made me feel..... loved, I guess. It was a good feeling.

"I'll make you admit it tomorrow, I'm just so- so- so-" I yawned. I can't remember past that. I probably fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning, and I was very warm, in the right way. I looked around and remembered I was with Dan. It was a great feeling, waking up next to someone you like so much.

I finally got to look at his room before he woke up. There was a desk, like mine but it was painted black. He had a few posters, including a Dr. Who one and a My Chemical Romance one.

It was really nice for an attic, and I was happy he was with me. I snuggled into him, listening to his breathing. His body moved up and down, in time with his breathing. I soon fell asleep to the rhythm if him.


I woke up a few hours later, with the sound of Dan waking up. I snuggled back into the pillow though, I was too tired.

Dan snuggled into me and I gratefully snuggled into him as well. He realized I was awake by then, and draped his arm over me.

"Dan.." I mumbled happily.

"Mmmm-" I could hear him smiling. "Good morning."

"Good morning, babe." I grinned, squeezing my eyes shut. I knew he like it when I called him babe, so that's why I did.

"I love it when you call me babe." He whispered flirtatiously. I shivered a little.

He knew just how to do that to me, and I loved it.

"Good." I told him. Suddenly, there was loud knock on the door, which startled both of us and we jumped.

"It's Adrian." Dan whispered. He was talking about his brother, who was in 7th grade. Adrian knew about our relationship and would probably tell Dan's mum if he found me here.

"Should I hide?" I whispered back, prepared to get on the floor. Dan shook his head. He knows about us he mouthed.

I nodded and sat back down on the bed.

"What'd you want?" Dan open the door and looked down at his little brother. Adrian was almost a little copy of Dan, but they did look a little different.

"Just wondering if you were awake," Adrian popped his head in the room and saw me. "Hey Phil."

I waved.

"Hey Adrian." I smiled awkwardly. Adrian turned back to Dan, who was blushing redder than I'd ever seen. His brother obviously knew that we'd at least slept together, he wasn't stupid. He was old enough to understand.

"Go away." Dan whispered to Adrian, but he couldn't mask it from me. I started to giggle, he was so cute.

"Whatever." Adrian smirked, leaving the room and closing the door. Dan groaned and landed head first on the bed. I laughed again, climbing on top of him and kissing his head.

"I'm sorry about Adrian, he obviously knows." Dan grumbled into the sheets. I rolled over him and onto the floor.

"I've got to go. My parents are going to kill me if I'm not there before they wake up." I told him, straightening out my jacket and putting on my glasses.

"Aw, don't go." Dan whined, getting off the bed and walking over to me.

I kissed him one last time and have him puppy dog eyes.

"I have to. I'll talk to you later, okay?" I smiled at him. He nodded sadly and gave me a hug.

"I'll lead you to the door." He took my hand and led me downstairs. We got to the door and stared at each other for a little.

"Bye Adrian!" I yelled into the house.

"Bye Phil!" Adrian's voice replied a few seconds later. He was a cool kid.

"You're hotter than me." I said and walked out the door, leaving Dan in his own confusion.

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