Chapter 49

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(6 months later)

"Hey, Phil!" An American accent said behind me. I turned around and smiled. It was Ron.

"Yeah?" I asked, pulling up bag up on my shoulder.

"Your final was really good." He told me, looking down at his feet.

"Thanks, Ron! Yours was really good too!" I replied, smiling at him. Dan didn't like when I talked to Ron because he thought he had a crush on me. Which he did. He made it pretty obvious, but I pretended not to notice.

"Thanks," He blushed. Whenever he was flustered, he stood in a way where the sides of his feet laid on the ground, the bottoms of his feet on their sides. He did that very often around me. "I- I just wanted to say have a nice summer."

"Yeah, you too! Are you going back to America?" I asked, sitting down on a bench. He sat down after a second.

"No, I'm actually going to Australia." He told me.

"Oh, really? Why?" I said, surprisingly interested. He was one of my only friends at uni, after all.

"I'm going to see my friend, Troye." He told me.

"Ooh!" I said suggestively.

"Shut up, we're only friends." He blushed harder, looking down at his shoes again.

"I know, just teasing."

"Are you staying in England?" Ron recovered slightly.

"Actually, no. Dan and I are going on a road trip in America. That's why I asked you." I told him. I was excited. We were going to drive back to London and drop off some things, fly from London to New York, and we were driving down to Florida then flying back to London.

"That sounds fun!" He smiled. I nodded.

"Ron! Hey!" We heard a voice yell from across the courtyard. Both of our heads turned to find his roommate, Korey, waving Ron down.

"Oh, gotta go." He said, getting up. I followed suit.

"Okay, see you later!" I gave him a quick hug and waved goodbye.

"Byeee!" He replied and ran off to meet his roommate.

I decided to go back to my dorm and say bye to Kayla and Petra before they left for Ireland.

I ran there and made it just in time. Kayla was loading up the car and Petra was helping. I set down my bag and coughed to let them know I was there.

"Ah, Phil!" Kayla said, coming over and hugging me. I hugged back hard.

"I'll miss your terrible puns." She said.

"I'll miss your 'your mum' jokes. A whole summer without them? How will I live?" I said sarcastically.

"I honestly don't know," She replied just as sarcastically. I pulled away and went over to Petra. I hugged her from behind as she was still working on loading the car.

She'd become my best friend. Easily, my best friend. Sure, Dan was and he always will be, but as a friend, I needed Petra.

"I'll miss you." I told her.

"Oh, Phil, I'll miss you too." She turned around to properly hug me. "I think Dan'll take care of you for a summer."

"Yeah, I think so too." I said. We pulled away and I waved goodbye. Their car left soon after with me waving them off.

Suddenly, two strong pairs of arms grabbed me from behind. I yelped out of terror. The arms turned me around and I looked up at the person.

"Dan! Don't scare me like that!" I yelled at him, slapping his arm.

"Sorry!" He laughed.

"When did you get so strong, anyways?" I asked, taking his hand and leading us into our dorm room.

"You know, working out." He said.

"You? Working out?" I said in a non-believing tone.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do when you're all... hanging out and writing screenplays, too busy for me.." He replied.

"Oh shut up. You look good, though." I told him, squeezing his hand.

"Thanks, I guess." He said, kissing me on the cheek. "Lets get the car."

After about an hour, the car was loaded with all of our stuff and we were ready to leave. We turned in all of our papers and stuff in and we hit the road.

"Are you sure you want to drive? I could do it." I asked. I never drove even though I could.

"No, no." He replied, turning out of the campus. I loved Wales, it was a lot better than London and it was a lot prettier.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I don't trust you behind the wheel." He turned to me and grinned.

"Shut up." I blushed and looked down. He knew I wasn't the best driver.

I plugged in my phone and pressed shuffle on my music playlist.


"Oh god. Looks like lots of laundry." Martin said when I walked in the door of my house. I set down all my stuff and gave him a hug. It was almost 10:00 and I was really tired.

"Hey, buddy." He said as we hugged. I had finally grown taller than him in about 6 months.

"Hey Martin." I said and pulled away, looking around. "Where are Mum and Dad?"

"I think they went to Dan's mum's house. Talking about you." He told me, taking some of my stuff.

"Oh, great. And I can get that." I said, taking back my bag. I took my other one and started making my way to my room.

I got to my room and threw my bags down. I looked around at the slightly emptier version of my room. I laid down on my bed and immediately fell asleep.


I waved to Dan over Skype. It was about 4 in the afternoon the next day.

"Hey there stranger." He said, sticking his tongue out.

"You know how we're staying for 2 weeks?" I asked, ruffling my hair.

"Yeah..?" He replies.

"You know how dependent we are?" I asked.

"Yes." He laughed. Everyone we knew said it. So we denied it, but we knew it was true.

"What if we didn't see each other for the whole two weeks?" I suggested.

"That sounds absolutely terrible," He said. "Let's do it."

"Okay.. starting... now!" I said and hung up quickly.

I could almost hear him scoff.

Immediately, I got a text.

❤ Bear Howell ❤

You're the worst boyfriend ever


Love you babe :P

❤ Bear Howell ❤


Can we at least text?


I guess so

❤ Bear Howell ❤

Can we sext?


You're stupid

❤ Bear Howell ❤

So yes


Ugh... yes


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