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Jeon Jungkook POV

I woke up from a dreamless sleep with a loud knock on the door. "What" I said as I laid back down and curled up in my covers "you have school today Jungkook" someone called before footsteps showed they had walked away.
"Fuuuuck" I cried in misery as I lifted up my blanket and a wave of cold air hit me. "Why can't somebody turn the heat on for once!" I shouted. I really didn't want to get up today but here I was. Yeah, school itself wasn't that bad but the part that I had no friends and no one really pays attention to me except for this one kid, Jimin always stares at me creepily in art class.
     I slowly got up shivering and I wrapped a blanket around myself. I slowly opened by bedroom door and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bagel. My parents had already gone to work which wasn't shocking, they leave at six before waking me up and don't usually come back until eleven. I'm always alone, at school, at home it doesn't matter where I am I'm alone. But it doesn't matter because I've gotten used to it, I'm probably just unlikeable or it's cause I'm super ugly and too fat.
     I took a bite out of my bagel and continued to munch on it as I went back to my room. The bagel was stale but my parents never buy food as they always go out, and I don't have job to buy my own food do I'm stuck eating soup and bagels for the next three days, at least.
     I open my bedroom door and wobbled over to my dresser to open it. I also had a very small amount of clothes, three or four tee's three pairs of skinny jeans, one pair of sweat pants, a few sweaters and jackets. I decide on a black tee, black jeans and a white sweater with black stripes. I also put in my earrings, small hoops that were silver, my parents hate them, which is why I like them so much. On top I grab a light jacket in case it's cold and I exit my room.
     I walk to my front door and I get my backpack, keys and most importantly, my phone. I exit my house and a cold gust of wind welcomes me. I have to walk to school because I actually can't with buses, they scare me so much and my parents would never take me to school anyways. That leaves me to walk to school which is not that bad, the scenery is pleasant, but it's so cold. I have my jacket but I don't know how I won't become a human icicle in December or January.
     I head on my route to school and before I know it I'm there, my personal Hell for the next year or so, but I personally believe not even Satan could come up with a place that is as bad as high school. I shake my head of the thoughts and I enter the school, the halls filled with chatter and a few occasional stares but mostly the same as every other day I have gone here.
     After going to my locker and getting what I need for my classes before lunch I head to my first class, music comp. and theory. I know weird, but I thought it would be good. Turns out it's not, the teacher also is the choirs director so whenever I sing or something he's like "you should join! You would be great!" And he can't seem to take no for an answer. The worst thing however is at every event the school has he always wears a full blown suit then, sneakers. Super ugly sneakers too, they're like grey-brown from wear (they should be white) and blue laces just ugh. Lost in my thoughts I didn't realise I walking into someone.
     We slam into each other and I apologise. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there" I look up to him. He is frozen in thought and I worry. I think I've seen him before, his face rang a bell. I think he's one of that weird kid Jimin's friends, seekin?, seagin?, ah! Seokjin! That's his name, at least I think. But the real question is why is looking at me like that? It's creepy. Is he like Jimin too? Well I don't think so I've seen his mucking it up with some guy with greyish hair before, so at least he can get someone.
     "Hey, Jungkook right?" He says and I momentarily forgot he was there thinking about well, him. "Uh yeah, why?" I reply looking around me to seeing some odd stares from other students. "Hey, you have fourth lunch today right?" He asks and I nod.
"Can you come find me? I need to talk to you." He says almost nervous or looking for some sort or approval.
    "Uh yeah, I will. Is that all?" I say hoping to leave, right now Music Comp. and Theory sounds great. This time Seokjin nods and walks away and I look at him weirdly. Maybe I'm not the weirdest kid at this school after all.

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