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Kim Taehyung POV

I watched in silence as Jungkook's chest rose and fell slowly. I usually only sleep for a few hours, two hours for me is like a solid 8 for most. I liked to wake up first, it gave me a sense of control and order. What I learned to love the most however, was seeing Jungkook's beautiful face at peace. He never went asleep with the same emotion, but he always looked the same when he slept. His mouth hung a bit open, his warm complexion practically glowed. His lips were a plump pink and it contrasted perfectly with his soft brown hair. I always had to push the temptation back of kissing him however, I didn't want to wake him up. He needed the sleep, especially now, and I didn't want to take it away from him until the time was right. So there I stayed alone with my thoughts to occupy me until the time to wake Jungkook came.

"Breakfast is being served, Sir." One of the maids said politely before exiting to do the rest of her duties for the day. I looked at Jungkook and nudged him awake. He sighed and his peaceful sleeping face contorted into annoyance. "It's time to wake up, bunny." I called and he opened his eyes and looked me. "You're too loud. Be quiet so I can go back to sleep." He said and I smiled. "That's the point Kookie, you have to wake up." I said cheerfully and he frowned flipping over in bead. "Leave me alone." He grumbled closing himself in the blankets. "Okay, I'll go. I'll leave you alone, if that's what you really want." I said before getting out of bed. "Nooooooo, don't actually leave, I want you to stay." He called and I smiled, victoriously. "I'm leaving if you don't get up." I said and he started to roll out of bed, and unto the floor.
     "Owwwwww." He mumbled and I walked over to him. He sat in the pile of blankets with his eyes closed. "I remember when I used to have to walk around covered in blankets cause the heat didn't work at that shitty house. We didn't have a vacuum so I wouldn't touch the ground it was so gross and dusty. I still wonder how my parents thought that place was in any living condition. I wonder if they're even sad that I'm gone, or if they even know that I'm gone in the first place." Jungkook said dozily as he sat on the floor. "I'm not sad that I'm gone though, I hated that place." He added and I smiled helping him up. "Why don't you call it home though? you lived there for a while." I asked him and he frowned. "It wasn't home. They say home is where the heart is, my heart wasn't there. My heart is here with you, oh god that's really cliché." He mumbled the last part, and I laughed. "Come on baby bunny, lets go eat."

"Good luck at basics, bunny." I said as Hoseok waited at the door for Jungkook. "You aren't coming?" he asked and I shook my head. "I have to talk to Namjoon about some things but I will stop by." I said and he frowned hugging my goodbye. "Okay, bye Hyung." he said cheerfully before running to catch up with Hoseok. I waved good bye before they closed and door and left.

I stood at the door and waited for Namjoon. I told him that we would meet in the dining hall but he hadn't arrived yet. I walked to one of the guards at the door frowning. "Do either of you know where Namjoon could be currently?" I asked and they looked at each other. "No sir, do you want me to go find him?" one asked and I nodded. "Please do." I said and he was off. "Sir is there anything else you want for now?" the other guard asked and I looked at him. "No, I'm fine thank you." I said before walking away from the guard.

I walked around the corner annoyed. Namjoon was in the throne room, and was waiting for me. I cracked my knuckles, that throne didn't even belong to him. I entered the throne room and gave Namjoon a fake smile. He gave me one right back, and he stood up and walked to me. "I knew this time would eventually come, I just didn't know when." He said and I stretched my neck. "So, what will happen, because you know I'm taking back the crown and throne." I said and he shrugged. "Taehyung, I think I've come up with a solution." He said and I looked at him judgingly. "I'm not splitting Hell in half if that's what you're thinking. I practically created this place, and I created all of you." I said and he rolled his eyes. "You didn't create this place, God did to punish you." he said and I frowned. "Yeah, and look what I've made it. I was sitting at the top for a long while, even my brothers were afraid of me." I said proudly and he smiled. "Yeah, until you decided you wanted to try to take over Heaven, then got your ass kicked and wings cut off in the process." He said mockingly. "I also could've appointed anyone to take my position while I was gone, and I chose you. You didn't even do anything did you?" I asked annoyed and he frowned. "For your information, I increased the amount of souls collected and raised the amount of yearly soul deals." He said back and I frowned. "Even I'm starting to think I should've appointed Hoseok instead of you. At least he's smart." I said and he scoffed. "All Hoseok does is take orders and read books. We both know he's not fit for the job of running Hell. Don't forget to mention that if it weren't for him, you would still be upstairs whining about how you lost a war against fucking God. You really think you would've won that?" he asked and I rolled my eyes. "People choose me over Jesus, but you wouldn't know that cause you didn't exist for another century." I said and he looked down. "I still haven't even gotten to my point cause you got so side tracked complaining about how bad of a job I did running Hell." He said and I took a deep breath. "Okay, shoot." I said putting up my hands for drama. "There's four realms, Assiah, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. God has claimed Heaven, You've claimed Hell, Assiah is the free land where all can run. But nobody's claimed Purgatory." He stopped and I looked at him interested. "Are you trying to say that you want to rule Purgatory?" I said and he nodded. I let out I small laugh in disbelief. "You really think you can take over Purgatory?" I said and he nodded. "Look, it's where the undecided go and the monsters. I take rule over Purgatory, you can have Hell, I'll stay out of your way." he said and I looked at the ground in thought. "I like the idea, but you know hoe hard it will be to take over Purgatory? Remember Angels and Demons go there when they die too. You seem to be thinking of something that's impossible." I said and he looked up. "I'm gonna need troops to help me. Probably 50,000 will work." He said and I looked up in shock. "You want me to give you an army of 50,000 when they don't even know I'm back yet?" I said and he nodded. "I know it sounds crazy, but if we get Purgatory, one day we might actually be able to claim Heaven and Assiah too. I know that Heaven is what you really want. I know that you want to see every one of your brothers and sisters locked up or dead. I know you want to see Michael dead especially." He it topped off and I looked down, he did have a point. "Fine. 50,000 men taking Purgatory, Kim Namjoon leading the army. Sounds like a bowl of popcorn for me. All I have to say is I need to be recrowned first and we have to kill Min Yoongi. Once that's completed Purgatory is all yours." I said snapping my fingers and a scroll unrolled that contained of all the terms. "You just love having it written out don't you." He said and I handed him a pen to sign at the bottom. He knelt down and quickly sighed his name. I smiled as it rolled back up and disappeared. "Always a pleasure making a deal with you." I said before disappearing to leave the former king of Hell alone.

Hey guys! Not much to say except my grade in French isn't very great *sweats nervously* and I really  fucking hate snakes (Both human and animal snakes). Anyways I hope you enjoyed!
                 - e.s

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